The Dragon's Head Blog
Pratique personnelle
Letting go
My dentist recently made me realize that I was clenching my jaws.
The Calm In The Storm
Most mornings I can be found practicing Taoist Tai ChiⓇ arts in my carport.
My motivation to be consistent in my personal practice is derived from inspirational role models.
Master Moy always asked: “How do you feel?” I think the last four years have taught me to answer his question in a more thoughtful, sensitive way.
The need for nothing, a clear mind, a simple movement. Nothing else.
Applying His Teachings as I Age
Aging is giving me perspective on why we are encouraged to practice the Taoist Tai Chi™ arts daily. It takes ongoing perseverance to prevent worry from taking up space in my mind and blocking the path forward. Whatever I need to face life’s challenges has been gifted to me through his teachings. I only need to be […]
L’entraînement aux arts Tai Chi Taoïste™ me procure un bien-être physique et une agréable tranquillité. J’en ressens une douce et profonde joie. ~Louise-Anne
When I started Taoist Tai Chi™ practice, there were many things that I had a hard time doing physically without pain; getting dressed, putting my socks on, sitting, getting up, taking long walks … These seemingly small movements affected the quality of my life and even my attitude towards life. I never thought Taoist Tai Chi™ arts […]
Self Practice
I have gained a deeper understanding of the organization and Master Moy’s teachings after attending the virtual sessions for the last two years. A simple message has guided us: self practice. Although the message is simple, to carry it out requires diligent practice. When I first started to practice on my own, it was hard […]
À pratiquer les multiples arts internes Tai Chi TaoïsteMD, j’ai appris qu’il me fallait être patiente, que les choses arrivent quand c’est le temps. Ça ne sert à rien de les forcer. Les frustrations et les inquiétudes surviennent justement quand je veux trop, quand je veux que ça aille vite et à ma manière. Il ne […]
Breaking Through
By practicing Mr. Moy’s teachings of constancy and patience, something in me that has been stuck is finally beginning to move. When I was young in a colder climate, I loved to watch the water flowing under ice in the ditches in spring, just before the full melt. That’s the feeling that has come as a […]
Avoir confiance… et lâcher prise
Pendant ma pratique personnelle, j’apprends à lâcher prise – mais lâcher prise sur quoi exactement? Au début, c’était de laisser aller le poids, de laisser mon corps se placer, de laisser tomber jusqu’au bout. Mais au fil des semaines et des mois, je me suis rendu compte que lâcher prise, c’est bien plus que cela. C’est […]
Staying social
Les rencontres virtuelles m’aident à rester active au niveau social, elles m’aident à briser l’isolement. Même si je ne prends pas la parole, je vois les autres personnes, leurs témoignages et leurs enseignements me font du bien. J’ai alors un sentiment agréable d’apaisement, je ressens de la joie.
World Stroke Day
14 years ago I had 9 strokes. I couldn’t stand, walk, talk, see or eat. I had to start all over again. My Taoist Tai Chi™ practice has helped me to build balance and strength, to lose fear and to do all the functions of life. It has given me my life back!~ Sasha
Helps with stress, better sleep.
I had high stress, high anxiety, lots of pain, and very poor sleep. I was a mess and my lifestyle was not healthy. Almost by chance I tried out a Taoist Tai ChiⓇ arts class. I noticed very soon after that my anxiety was more manageable and my pain started to go away so I could sleep […]
Éternellement jeune
J’ai 89 ans. Pour moi, les arts Taoist Tai Chi™ sont une méditation en mouvement qui m’apportent tout ce dont j’ai besoin pour me sentir bien. Je peux faire ça pour moi! Quand je pratique l’ouverture de la cage thoracique et l’étirement de la colonne vertébrale, j’aime ressentir ce qui se passe à l’intérieur de mon corps. […]
notre pratique privée
Pieds plantés. Corps ancré. Un point de départ. Tout ce que nous portons. Physiquement, mentalement, spirituellement. Nous devenons notre propre enseignant. Confiance, responsabilité, lâcher-prise. Apprendre à un autre niveau. Simplement être dans la pratique. Cesser de s’inquiéter de ce qui s’en vient. Être à l’aise, à l’écoute de son corps. Bouger, faire confiance, ressentir profondément. […]
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