The Dragon's Head Blog
Programmes internationaux
Pain Relief Week – International Center Florida
Feeling every move and ‘not holding’ were the directions given participants attending the February 2019 pain relief workshop held at the FLK International Tai Chi Centre in Dunedin, Florida. Our work focused on feeling every move throughout the set and ‘not holding’ while turning the spine, dropping elbows and arms, expanding diagonally, laterally and vertically, […]
Weekend Program – International Center Florida
Letting the light in and throwing out the trash! (from our bodies of course) Participants at the 2 day International workshop at International Center Florida learning anti-aging methods like loading up and elbows down. The circulation was moving as spines were turning. We worked on our cardiovascular health, and full body chain of motion. The […]
Consistently applying circular movements
[rl_gallery id= »13625″] In Helmond Andrew Hung guided 77 participants from 8 countries in their search for opening and roundness in every move. We practised together in harmony and consistently, this helped us to enhance our understanding and make a step towards the next stage. During the evening sessions we practised more circular movements while going […]
International Workshop in Colchester
There’s a 3-day International programme running in Colchester. The second day started with chanting after breakfast and some tai chi. We’re working on using the spine to generate movement, finding the circles in those movements – looking for the feeling, rather than focusing on the 108 moves of our tai chi Set. And we’re working […]
Day 4 – Lok Hup Program
Day 4 With this as her first Lok Hup Ba Fa experience, one woman said that she could already see how the program has improved her Taoist Tai Chi™️ practice. Maybe attending a program is a New Year’s resolution everyone should make!
Day 3 – Lok Hup Week
Day 3 Whether you know someone coming to a program or not, by the end, you will have renewed old acquaintances and made new friends with whom to share your next program.
Day 2 – Lok Hup Ba Fa Program – International Center Florida
Day 2 Each program is a unique experience. You never know what will greet you but you know it will be an experience you will treasure. This Lok Hup Ba Fa program is small but how lovely to get what feels like personal directions.
Lok Hup Week – International Center Florida
Lok Hup 2019 Day 1 “Having the session of the Lok Hup Ba Fa during the Central Region Program has not made me as anxious as I would have been.” – John, Burlington Participant responses when the instructor asked, “How do you feel?” Feel energized More than just the moves Feel taller Pulsing on the […]
Central Region Program – Day 3 Quotes
Day 3 Quotation from participants on how they are feeling so far into the program: “I was impressed by the friendliness and the community of the whole group.” – Margaret, Texas, first time workshop attendee “I love the mixture of the Chanting, Meditation,Taoist Tai Chi™️ arts and Lok Hup Ba Fa. I feel the full experience […]
Central Region Program – Day 2
Day 2 From kitchen duties to chanting to sitting meditation to our Taoist Tai Chi™️ practice to quiet standing to a discussion of future projects to more practice to dinner out in the restaurants of Dunedin. All in one day – wow!
Central Region 2019 – Day 1
Central Region 2019 Day 1 Recognizing the fullness and richness of our internal arts practice with chanting in the morning and of course, a set. Then surprise Lok Hup in the evening.
International program in Krakow, Poland, 24-25 November 2018
Oh, what a workshop it was! From the very beginning, and hour by hour, the curiosity and excitement in rediscovering our bodies grew. We tried to imitate the American anhinga bird (also called the water turkey), which must fully open its wings to dry after diving in the water since its feathers have no oil […]
Ending the five-day workshop in the Southern European Center
We are in the last two days of this five-day workshop in Madrid. Today the weekend participants have joined. We have worked on the understanding of the Dan-yus with an emphasis on timing.
Continuing the International Program at the Southern European Center
We continue on the international program in the Southern European Center, we continue to deepen our understanding of the Taoist arts with the same varied and complete program: breakfast; Fung Loy Kok; lunch; Tai Chi; Dinner; Lok Hup.
International Program at the Southern European Center
Amazing starting day of the international program at the Southern European Center. We started with a Chanting session, followed by sitting meditation and two Tai Chi sets. After lunch we continued with a Tai Chi session, and after dinner it was time for Lok Hup. In short, Fung Loy Kok, Tai Chi and Lok Hup […]
Seniors Week and International Seniors Day Celebrated at the International Center Florida
QUOTES FROM PARTICIPANTS IN INTERNATIONAL SENIORS WEEK, NOVEMBER 5-9, 2018 SENIORS WEEK PROGRAM: My first workshop since starting in February this year. Not too surprised to see so many seniors, but still amazed at their abilities. Wonderful to have in-depth instruction and to participate in discussions on how we are individually being helped. […]
International program Bratislava in Slovakia 6 – 7 October 2018
Weight shifting was one of the key intentions in our practice during the first October weekend in Bratislava, Slovakia. We welcomed almost 150 participants from 11 countries all over the Europe. Carmen Capilla shared with us her understanding and riches of Taoist Tai Chi™ internal arts. Weight shifting, dropping and raising using our feet and […]
Coiling in Colchester
Participants from across the UK and Europe are dreaming of circles, after five days of coiling and ‘turning from the spine’ at the International programme in Colchester. The focus was very much on the *feeling* of the moves, as over one hundred people worked together to connect to the internals in their Taoist […]
Experiences from the International Program in Tauranga, New Zealand, October 2018
84 people attended this amazing workshop. One participant said that she had gained a deeper understanding of the form and why the moves are done the way they are. There was much talk of tailbones and intention, circles and standing straight. Participants described it as the friendliest gathering they have ever attended, and a couple of our Australian visitors particularly enjoyed the ginger crunch, saying […]
A warm welcome to our international family at the International Program in Bayswater
At the ten day program at the National Centre in Bayswater, Australia, we welcome members of our extended tai chi family attending from the UK, Canada and New Zealand. This is a little snippet of their stay experience which we are delighted they shared with us. « The warm welcoming wave of the Australian Society smoothed […]
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