The Dragon's Head Blog
Centre international de Floride
Fenway Update from Dunedin TV
In late February Andrew Hung and Pegoty Packman were interviewed by the city of Dunedin’s official television station regarding the Fenway Hotel restoration update.
The Kitchen Perspective from the International Center Florida Program
Cultivating stillness was the theme of the workshop, and the sense of stillness permeated through the kitchen, settling into the cook team and work groups. Kitchen tai chi is not only about using the principles of the moves into the work of chopping, stirring, and mixing. Like tai chi, cooking should be relaxed and from […]
International Center Florida Construction Update
Work has begun on the southwest wing. Locals are watching with interest. Structural work has begun on the southwest wing. The steel supports have been ordered since they have a six-week lead time to construct and deliver. The concrete footers are being dug by hand to reduce stress […]
Women and Tai Chi Program at the International Center Florida
The Women and Tai Chi Program at the International Center Florida had over 80 men and women participate. Karen Laughlin led the program and focused on toryus and danyus with emphasis on women’s health. Participants were treated to stories on female immortals and stories of taming the heart. She shared variations of the toryu that […]
Valentine’s Day High Tea at the International Center Florida
On February 14th, Valentine’s Day, the Dunedin Branch held its tenth annual high tea. Scones, finger sandwiches, and chocolate-covered strawberries were among items donated by branch participants. Over ninety Tampa Bay area participants joined in the fun. Many of the ladies wore their favorite hats keeping in the spirit. The focus was on teas from around […]
Workshop at International Center Florida — Day Two
Working together – stories about Master Moy teaching the practical side of Taoist Tai Chi™ arts in the kitchen and how we set the table. More stillness in the jongs extending that stillness into the tor yu. Day two is […]
Workshop at International Center in Florida – Day One
Participants of Taoist Tai Chi™ from near and far gathered at the International Center in Dunedin, Florida starting on Wednesday February 22, 2017 for a five-day workshop. We started working together right away on cultivating a sense of stillness in movement not only with the jongs but during « tai chi set! Same thing! »
International Center Florida Construction Update
Many people have asked about the status of our resident owl. She is a small screech owl according to the Audubon Society. As construction progresses she is being moved around a bit but still seems happy to be here. The Audubon Society will still need to catch her before she goes into nesting mode. She […]
Fung Loy Kok Week at International Center Florida
Here are some aspects of the first Fung Loy Kok Week at the International Center Florida.
Chinese New Year’s Banquet at International Centre Florida
We gathered to celebrate the 2017 Chinese New Year at a banquet at the International Centre in Florida.
Fung Loy Kok Week at International Center Florida
Here are pictures from the first day of FLK Week at the Internatianal Center in Dunedin, Florida.
Central Region Workshop Report from Dunedin, Florida — Day Five
Here is another testimonial from a participant of the program about the power of Taoist Tai Chi™ arts. I came to Taoist Tai Chi™ practice seeking to improve my balance. I have trauma induced vertigo from a motorcycle accident. I had just come to a stop when a car hit me doing 35-40 mph. The […]
Central Region Workshop Report from Dunedin, Florida — Day Four
Many hands make for light work.
Central Region Workshop Report from Dunedin, Florida — Day Three
The week is going like a walk in the park. – Roseann Merriam, Dunedin, FL It’s amazing how much easier it is to do it correctly! – Margaret Zabor, Temple Terrace, FL It’s fun working with a light heart in summer weather. – Anne Reuber, Stratford, Ontario Tony demos with slow, gentle […]
Central Region Workshop Report from Dunedin, Florida — Day Two
In group donyu practice, I shared the story of how I learned the donyu. My first donyu experience took a long time as pain was a bigger guide than the three instructors that finally taught me. Effectively, the donyu saved my life, and is still a big part of it. Barb, our group leader, asked […]
Central Region Workshop Report from Dunedin, Florida
Today is the first day of the Central Region Workshop in Dunedin, Florida. We are enjoying the warm winter weather, cheerfully chopping vegetables. We also worked hard on connections and timing in our toryus and donyus.
Kayaking at the International Center Florida
Paddle to Honeymoon Island and birdwatch. Relax a bit. Use turning the spine in a beautiful environment like one group did in November. Look carefully. You might recognize a mighty kayaker or two! Marsha had a great time and so will you. Marsha Eberhardt, Pegoty Packman, and others decided to explore the waterfront of the […]
International Center Florida Construction Update for November 16, 2016
Bees Bees have decided to to join us in a tree located behind the house. They are hard working aggressive honey bees according to the beekeepers we have asked to come out to move them. One of our participants, Steve Klar, of Klar and Klar Architects, is also a beekeeper. He and his friend set up […]
Day 5 CIT Week at International Center Florida
Comments from participants… If I could do Taoist Tai Chi™ practice seven hours a day everyday I think I could live forever. – Mona Pinette I had the most wonderful happy clouds. – Amy Weisberg Every single person learns something when we practice Taoist Tai Chi™ arts.- Renate Ewart Thanks to our wonderful […]
Day 4 CIT Week at International Center Florida
More comments from CIT week participants… Enlightening- Anonymous After four days of the workshop my body has already reset. – Willy van de Sman Perfect weather, perfect workshop, perfect food, perfect instruction. – An Oregonian I am loving the workshop. My brain wants to explode but I don’t want it to explode. I want to […]
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