The Dragon's Head Blog
The Red Dragon Finds a New Home
Inspired by the Dunedin Center’s dragon bike rack, James Mallory, working on Fenway’s construction, built a Rocking Dragon from wood reused from the Fenway and donated it to the Branch. This was raffled as a fundraiser at Tai Chi Week in November and won by Steve Shaya of Dunedin. He shipped it to Santa who […]
Christmas Eve in Wrocław branch
At a warm December evening, a week before the Christmas Eve, the door of our society house in Wroclaw were still been open towards the influx of following members. That is just tradition of common celebrate of Christmas at our beautiful centre, which at such moments gives to us special warmth. Everybody has taken the […]
A Masquerade Ball in Sarasota, FL
The 8:00 am class took responsibility to plan a holiday party at the Sarasota, FL branch. Afraid it would be difficult to lure people out of their comfortable homes during the holiday break, the class decided to do something different. With Branch Council support, and a bit of skepticism – the idea was put into […]
Oliebollen en appelflappen
It is a tradition in the Netherlands to eat « oliebollen and appelflappen » on New Year’s Eve. People prepare them at home or buy them in special shops. Why not make them in our own centre in Helmond? So we did. A team of volunteers made hundreds of them. The quality was praised by those who […]
Fun and fundraise with snowmen
It started with a good idea. We bought a lot of white socks, started knitting and collected some other things. We then invited the participants of the Haarlem location to come on Thursday afternoons to make a family of snowmen. We had a lot of fun making them while Christmas music was playing […]
Atlantic Region Holiday Season Program
Participants from across the Atlantic Region assembled at the regional centre in Halifax on December 5, the weekend scheduled for the holiday season program. We practiced and learned together Taoist Tai Chi™ arts throughout the day. In the evening the participants were joined by their guests to enjoy a wonderful ten-course banquet. Our dynamic emcee […]
Seasonal Celebrations at the European Centre
On Friday evening at the European Centre in Colchester the weekend’s activities began with chanting the “Ten Thousand Bhuddas” sutra for the Autumn Moon Festival. This was followed on Saturday morning with over a hundred participants taking part in our last intensive of the year. Everyone joined in with the karaoke dan-yus singing “Jingle Bells” […]
Christmas High Tea in Newport, South Wales
The Western Region Centre in Newport, South Wales, held a Christmas party with an unusual twist this year. A High Tea was organised with finger sandwiches of ham, egg and cucumber followed every possible type of cake, including mini eclairs, lemon drizzle cake, Christmas Cake, mince pies and lots of mini chocolate cakes along with […]
Newfoundland Holiday Silent Auction and Cake Walk
December 5, 2015, 47 participants and guests of the Newfoundland Branch hosted our annual Silent Auction and Cake Walk fundraiser. After the regular continuing Ssession, we enjoyed soup together, all the while bidding on the multitude of silent auction items. Sprinkled throughout the event were ‘cake walks,’ where people paraded in a circle to the […]
Holiday Potluck in Windsor
After a morning of practicing Taoist Tai Chi™ arts 130 Windsor branch participants and families shared a potluck lunch and holiday season celebration. Music supplied by Windsor Banjos provided a festive background for lively conversation, dancing, and children’s crafts, as we waited for the much anticipated visit by Santa Claus. The annual food drive for […]
One Happy Island
After attending the the Lok Hup workshop at the Fenway, I travelled, via Miami, to the Caribbean island of Aruba for the First Anniversary of the centre there. Irena the President and other members told me about how they had raised funds for the new building over the last 17 years. They all seemed so […]
Christmas Cookie Fundraiser
During the week of Dec 7, 2015 the Ottawa Branch held their third annual Christmas Cookie Bake Fundraiser. The Cookie Bake has been a great success growing from 125 dozen orders for cookies the first year to 275 dozen orders the second and this year we had a huge demand for cookies with orders for […]
Autumn Moon Banquet Costa Rica 2015: A night to remember
We celebrated this banquet on Saturday, October 17th, 2015. As usual, the final preparations began in the afternoon with people helping to set up and decorate after sharing lunch together. Around 70 guests started gathering at 5.30pm, including many special guests like several doctors who have been recommending us to their patients, and the board […]
Seasonal Ceilidh in Edinburgh
With an Intensive in the morning followed by Potluck lunch our evening meal was prepared by Aberdeen Angus, Highlands and Islands and Edinburgh participants. Guests were greeted with a very palatable non-alcoholic punch and canapes around the Christmas tree; the tree was set up by the Friday morning class. A delicious meal with all the […]
Holiday Banquet in pictures
Last weekend, the annual Holiday Banquet took place at the Dim Sum King in Toronto. Many participants, friends, family members, musicians and of course Santa Claus joined the party. Check out the pictures!
Stratford Seniors Tour the Stratford Festival Warehouse and Archives
On Wednesday, November 18, fourteen Stratford Branch participants enjoyed the tour arranged by the Stratford Branch Seniors Committee. Our tour was conducted by a festival volunteer. We were privileged to visit the Archives containing clippings, costumes, and props from the beginning of the Festival. The collection of costumes, furniture and props in the warehouse was […]
Happy Anniversary, Sydney Australia By SYDNEY Branch President – NEW SOUTH WALES · NOVEMBER 7, 2015
Australian members celebrated twenty-five years of practising Taoist Arts in Sydney on November 7th, 2015. Fifty participants enjoyed a national workshop during the day. Members attended from ACT, SA, QLD, NSW and WA. At a banquet in the evening, sixty people, including a representative for the Premier of New South Wales State Government, a Director […]
Mah-jong Comes to Stratford Branch
mah-jongg or mah-jong noun 1. A game of Chinese origin usually played by four persons with 144 domino-like pieces or tiles marked in suits, counters, and dice, the object being to build a winning combination of pieces. After a busy summer we finally settled down to learn and play Mah-jong. Two participants, one of whom learned the game at the Victoria branch, have been sharing it here in Stratford. Much fun and laughter can be heard from the players, mixed with the […]
2nd Awareness Day in Italy
Even the rain could not suppress the spirit of our members! Our second ever Awareness Day was held in Rome on the 10th of October with a good number of our members present, some curious tourists and umbrellas!
Autumn Jai Festival at the International Centre, Orangeville
The first annual Autumn Jai Festival was a great success! On October 17 at the International Centre near Orangeville, FLK hosted just under 1300 guests, mostly from the Chinese community, (most of whom were not familiar with our organization), for one of our biggest Jais ever. it was a sold out event and guests were not deterred […]
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