The Dragon's Head Blog
Mises à jour nationales
Opportunities through Adversity
The adversity of this time of pandemic has given me the opportunity to realize the importance of being conscious and consistent, both in the practice of tai chi, as in the zoom and chanting sessions. Sharing all this gives way to words and emotions, such as: consistency, patience, awareness, connection, attention, observation, letting go and […]
Finding A New Grace
Everyone probably has lockdown stories to tell: here is mine. Even after years of Tai Chi, I still sometimes wondered if I could get through a set without clues from my fellow practitioners, but was determined to try and do a set each day during lockdown. I had fallen in love with Tai Chi from […]
Making The Pain Go Away
« I just wanted to tell you about something that’s happened since Lockdown. I’ve been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in both hips, and was getting quite a bit of hip pain until I finally got a diagnosis. Then I remembered something that we had been told at CIT week in Orangeville, back in 2009, about how dan-yus […]
Personal Stories / USA
Since doing sets on my own for over eight months now, an interesting thing has happened. At first it seemed strange to practice alone, without a group. I felt oddly self-conscious, even though no one was watching. Over time, though, I stopped worrying about that and just started focusing on how my body felt while […]
Growing through the pandemic
My experience these past nine months has been of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual growth. On March 13th we were confined. I have a 12-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl with special needs, quite an experience. I would get up at 6 in the morning to practice Tai Chi. It was my moment of peace, […]
Managing stress and anxiety with daily practise
Before the pandemic, Taoist Tai Chi™ arts was something I only practised when attending a weekly class on a Friday night. In between classes, I rarely gave it a thought. Having been suffering with anxiety and stress, I attended a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy course in February which gave me some tools to use. This became […]
I’m grateful to the Society
I am 75 years old. I have been doing tai chi for seven years, but a year ago I had to stop attending classes because I am taking care of my husband, with senile dementia. Thanks to the years that I have been doing tai chi, today I can say that I am doing quite […]
« At Home” retreat from 1-5 June 2020 – Retraite “At Home” du 1er au 5 juin 2020
Après avoir vécu très difficilement le début du confinement, malgré une pratique journalière, j’étais envahie par le stress et la peur. Je me suis accrochée aux DY et TY, et aux encouragements des instructeurs. Au fil des semaines et de mes pratiques, ce confinement m’a fait réaliser combien par nos retraites, nos intensifs et nos […]
Self-Practice is Self-Care
Self-practice has been a struggle for me. My husband spent eight weeks in hospital after February 29th, and passed away in early May. During that time my focus was on him, not myself. I have found the chanting and Zoom meetings invaluable to my mental health. Not only are they very educational, they also make […]
Feeling the energy and the togetherness
On Saturday I logged on to ‘Chanting for the world’ for the first time. I didn’t chant but just soaked up the feeling and followed one of the chants that I had printed out. I found it very relaxing and enjoyed listening to the speakers. When the chanting was finished I realised that I […]
Devoting time to improve my health
I had been practicing more or less regularly, but I did it as a kind of homework: I practiced what I had seen at a class, at a workshop or a correction I had received. Lockdown began and with it my fear of getting infected, the uncertainty about the future and sadness about what was […]
The fog has lifted
Before the pandemic I did not practice every day and when I did, it was in most cases for physical reasons. When the confinement began I felt fear, anguish and anxiety, I do not know in what order. I felt as if I had a fist inside that imprisoned the viscera and did not leave […]
Surprising health benefits of Taoist Tai Chi
Thanks to the intense practice of Taoist Tai ChiTM arts such as we have been able to do since last May, after confinement, the significant visual disturbances from which I had been suffering for about a year and a half, disappeared. The ophthalmologist, who had planned an operation of cataracts this year put it off […]
Life at the moment is full of emotion and grief and Taoist Tai ChiTM arts have been an absolute saviour. My first “light bulb” moment happened when I was doing A Danyu challenge. I did forty danyus and then the next ten slowly, really concentrating in pushing with the feet and allowing the […]
On November 7, the day of the planned 50th Anniversary celebrations, we gathered from all four branches in Italy for an Awareness Zoom. Once more aware of the power of Taoist Tai ChiTM arts, of not being alone, of sharing Master Moy’s wise teachings. It has been such an opportunity to be happy together, to share experiences, to […]
Feeling more like the me I used to be
I notice that, on the days when I have been doing the foundations, I feel driven to get up and do more the next day. When I miss out days, I have less energy to get back to it. I have also tried this week to limit myself to stop each move before I get […]
Carry on regardless
I have been practicing Taoist Tai ChiTM arts for a number of years. I had been encouraged by a friend to give it a go, and I’m still giving it a go. One of the wonderful features of Taoist Tai Chi is that you are always ‘giving it a go’ you can never say that’s […]
Personal Reflections on Chanting
« I noticed on the Saturday chanting that I was really opening up my jaws when chanting. Pronunciation is still lacking but my entire face was getting a workout. We don’t usually think about exercising head muscles when we practice our Tai Chi. This Saturday I found that the opening of the mouth was more pronounced […]
Praktyka chantingu
Praktyka chantingu To był mój drugi raz, gdy brałam udział w chantingu on-line. I takie wyzwanie! 60 stron! No pogubię się i co będzie!A tu wielka niespodzianka dla mnie samej – śpiewałam cały czas. Nie było żadnych problemów. Nawet jak internet się zawieszał to szło dalej gładko. Ale jest jeszcze jeden niezwykły dla mnie skutek. […]
Solo practice at the Carnival of Flowers – Toowoomba, Australia
Magical spring time has arrived in Toowoomba and the parks are looking spectacular with a massive display of flowers of all colours. Janita Adams from the Toowoomba Branch has found a quiet spot to practice some tai chi amongst the flowers in Laurel Bank Park. Because of COVID-19 things are very different this year. Usually […]
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