The Dragon's Head Blog
Festival de toutes les âmes- Les fruits
À l’approche du Festival de toutes les âmes, des bénévoles lavent les fruits et préparent les mets végétariens du jai à présenter en offrande. Ils doivent aussi filmer la cérémonie pour que les participants de partout dans le monde puissent se réunir virtuellement pour psalmodier les chants.
Le Festival de toutes les âmes- ancêtres
Nous sommes tous liés à nos ancêtres. Le Festival de toutes les âmes est une façon de prendre soin de nos défunts et de maintenir l’harmonie avec ceux-ci; ces principes s’étendent à notre vie et à notre entourage. Le columbarium, le cimetière et la salle commémorative au Centre international du FLK sont des lieux permanents […]
Le Festival de toutes les âmes 4 – Des bénévoles
En cette période de l’année, on s’affaire dans les temples. Des bénévoles préparent le Festival de toutes les âmes au temple de la rue D’Arcy, à Toronto. Cette année, les cérémonies de chanting organisées par le FLK à l’occasion du Festival de toutes les âmes auront lieu en ligne.
Le Festival de toutes les âmes 3- De magnifiques sacs
Le Festival de toutes les âmes donne aux vivants l’occasion de pratiquer la piété filiale, l’harmonie et le dévouement en rendant hommage aux ancêtres, parents et amis décédés. De magnifiques sacs décorés des symboles de la longévité, de l’équilibre et du réconfort dans l’au-delà contiennent les offrandes de papier à faire brûler. Cette année, les […]
Le Festival de toutes les âmes 2- Les offrandes
Les offrandes de papier visent à réconforter les âmes. Cette année, les cérémonies de chanting organisées par le FLK à l’occasion du Festival de toutes âmes auront lieu en ligne. Dans les temples bouddhistes et taoïstes du monde entier, durant la première moitié du 7e mois lunaire, a lieu le Festival de toutes les âmes; […]
Le Festival de toutes les âmes- offrandes en papier
Le Festival de toutes les âmes est l’une des périodes les plus importantes de l’année dans le calendrier taoïste. C’est l’occasion pour les vivants d’honorer ceux qui sont décédés. Des bénévoles préparent des offrandes en papier pour les âmes des défunts dans le royaume de Yin.
Les cérémonies de chanting du Festival de toutes les […]
Heart to Heart
When I started my Taoist Tai Chi™ practice in 1998, I was just like every other beginner. I was eager to learn this shiny new thing. I knew nothing. With every class I attended, my confidence grew. Before I knew it, I was doing the whole set with everyone else. When the next beginner class started, I […]
Aging with my Taoist Tai Chi™ practice
I believe that my Taoist Tai Chi™ practice has helped to hold off the brittleness of aging. I think that it has restored my sense of balance that was beginning to decline some, and improved my peripheral vision. The awareness of others around me doing the same moves enhances the energy field. I feel like […]
We Are All Our Own Instructors
When it was announced a year ago that we would be canceling Taoist Tai Chi™ classes for the indefinite future I assumed I would continue to practice the 3 or 4 times a week I had been practicing when I went to classes. But where would the instruction come from? I had never thought about […]
Personal Stories / USA
Since doing sets on my own for over eight months now, an interesting thing has happened. At first it seemed strange to practice alone, without a group. I felt oddly self-conscious, even though no one was watching. Over time, though, I stopped worrying about that and just started focusing on how my body felt while […]
Personal Reflections on Chanting
« I noticed on the Saturday chanting that I was really opening up my jaws when chanting. Pronunciation is still lacking but my entire face was getting a workout. We don’t usually think about exercising head muscles when we practice our Tai Chi. This Saturday I found that the opening of the mouth was more pronounced […]
Personal Practice – USA
Solo practice has changed and deepened both my acceptance of change and my Taoist Tai Chi™ practice. It has been fascinating to notice how my daily practice changes. It’s not “just the tai chi” but also where it fits in my life. In the last week I have begun to do a whole set first thing […]
All Souls Festival Reflections
Last Saturday, the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism offered an opportunity to observe and or participate in the All Souls Festival in a live online format following the weekly chanting opportunity. Being familiar with some other traditions for the deceased, I was intrigued and curious but intended to just » stay for awhile ». Long […]
Personal Practice – USA
The Joy of Tai Chi « Saturday morning chanting and discussions have been my source of Taoist Tai Chi ™ practice during the pandemic. I appreciated encouraging words from the international leaders by sharing Master Moy and his teaching. I have a little deeper understanding of confidence, trust and less worry each time I listen. And Tallahassee branch zoom meetings on […]
Practicing Together, Apart – Taoist Tai Chi™ arts
Prioritizing health and safety during the time of Covid-19, participants practicing « together apart » find strength and joy.
Personal Practice – USA
This is a thank you for giving us such rich guidance during this time of self cultivation. The chanting sessions on Sat. mornings are such an opportunity for coming together with common purpose and the discussions have opened up much more about taoism than I had ever imagined. This in turn has been very helpful in […]
Lions Restored at the International Center Florida
Steve Spathelf, Dunedin’s famous orange artist, returns to the International Center Florida to undertake the restoration of the resident lions. These lions started their life as guardians at the entrance of the International Centre at Orangeville, Ontario, Canada, but after many severe winters they were relocated to sunny Florida. Now they await the opportunity to greet […]
Keep practicing. Stay strong.
Sandy Cunningham, Dunedin, Florida Branch, is also a nurse at a very busy hospital, but found a brief moment to cultivate stillness. She inspires us to keep practicing.
Lantern Festival – International Centre
Recently we were asked, “how can we take better care of the Taoist Tai Chi™ arts?” This year, as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary, there are opportunities to reflect on the uniqueness of our teachings. The International Centre in Canada, in the winter, offered a ‘quiet’ that seems harder to find in the bustle of everyday […]
California Branch Attends Live Strong Health Expo
The California Branch Our goal is 50 Taoist Tai Chi™ demonstrations for the 50th anniversary of the Society. We joined over 40 other vendors at the annual Live Strong Health Expo at the Concord Senior Citizen Center and were able to share the health benefits of our practice with many of the 400+ attendees. We […]
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