The Dragon's Head Blog
Des participants de plusieurs sections présents pour la Journée des aînés
Des participants de plusieurs sections de la Région de l’Est (Canada) se sont déplacés pour la Journée des aînés qui a eu lieu vendredi dernier à Longueuil. Parmi la trentaine de participants présents, plusieurs ont constaté à quel point ils avaient réussi à travailler plus en profondeur après une journée de tai chi, comparativement à […]
Levée de fonds fromagée à St-Hubert
L’emplacement de St-Hubert (Région de l’Est) a reçu, trié et distribué aujourd’hui près de 200 kilos de fromages pour leur levée de fonds annuelle de coffrets-cadeaux, juste à temps pour les Fêtes. Plus de 175 coffrets ont été achetés et la levée de fonds totalise 1 675 $, bravo aux participants qui avaient l’air ravis […]
Holiday Banquet in pictures
Last weekend, the annual Holiday Banquet took place at the Dim Sum King in Toronto. Many participants, friends, family members, musicians and of course Santa Claus joined the party. Check out the pictures!
Stratford Seniors Tour the Stratford Festival Warehouse and Archives
On Wednesday, November 18, fourteen Stratford Branch participants enjoyed the tour arranged by the Stratford Branch Seniors Committee. Our tour was conducted by a festival volunteer. We were privileged to visit the Archives containing clippings, costumes, and props from the beginning of the Festival. The collection of costumes, furniture and props in the warehouse was […]
Mah-jong Comes to Stratford Branch
mah-jongg or mah-jong noun 1. A game of Chinese origin usually played by four persons with 144 domino-like pieces or tiles marked in suits, counters, and dice, the object being to build a winning combination of pieces. After a busy summer we finally settled down to learn and play Mah-jong. Two participants, one of whom learned the game at the Victoria branch, have been sharing it here in Stratford. Much fun and laughter can be heard from the players, mixed with the […]
The way we moved caught the politician’s eye
John Horgan, leader of the opposition in the British Columbia Legislature, was inspired by the spiritual feeling he saw in « the unity of movement » on Nov. 13 as he watched a combined class of health recovery and continuing participants complete a Taoist Tai Chi™ arts set at the Pacific Region Centre in Vancouver. The visit […]
A whole new meaning to Grasping Bird’s Tail at the Southwest Regional Intensive
Our car was abuzz with excitement. I’ll bet the roads in all directions across Southwestern Ontario were the same. Rehashing, reviewing, remembering the tons of information gifted to us at the Intensive. It took place on Monday november 15th in Stratford at our Southwest Region Centre and led by Nicole Morency, a long time […]
National Program in Vancouver
On the weekend of November 7th and 8th, the Vancouver Branch was pleased to host a National Program led by John Balinski from the Central Region. Over 120 participants learned to relax while focusing, while practicing brush knees and step back to ward off monkey. There were very rich discussions about our culture and history, […]
Putting the foundation into the first few moves – Sarnia Intensive
65 participants enjoyed a fantastic Intensive in Sarnia on Nov. 5th evening led by Marsha Eberhardt, President of FLK. We gathered from Windsor, South Western Michigan, Woodstock, Kincardine, London and the 4 locations of the Sarnia Branch. Marsha had us focus on the TorYu and its use in the first few moves of the set. […]
Over 250 Participants for Eastern Region’s National Program
Over 250 participants attended Eastern Region’s National Program in Longueuil last week-end. This was the largest ever attendance at the regional center, and it was a wonderful opportunity to experience “Eye See, Hand Do”, to work together in harmony and good spirits throughout the week-end. From cooking to cleaning, everyone got involved and helped create […]
« One More Time! » – Ottawa Branch evening Intensive, Nov 2nd, 2015
Monday November 2nd, the Ottawa Branch of FLK/TTC hosted an evening Intensive at the Carling Centre. This was the last Intensive on the Branch’s 2015 calendar. With more than 50 people attending, and a bake sale going on as well, our fundraising was in excess of $1,400. The focus for the evening was on “spirit […]
Halloween at the Pacific Region Centre in Vancouver
What do you think of when you put together Taoist Tai Chi™ arts and Halloween? Dressing up as your favorite move of the set, of course! Many inventive interpretations of the moves made for a lively and fun tea break at the Saturday morning continuing class at the Pacific Region Centre, complete with a demonstration […]
Autumn Jai Festival at the International Centre, Orangeville
The first annual Autumn Jai Festival was a great success! On October 17 at the International Centre near Orangeville, FLK hosted just under 1300 guests, mostly from the Chinese community, (most of whom were not familiar with our organization), for one of our biggest Jais ever. it was a sold out event and guests were not deterred […]
Happy Anniversary, Kincardine, Ontario
Kincardine culminated several months of celebrating their fifteen years of practising the Taoist Arts on October 3rd 2015. Forty seven participants enjoyed an intensive in the afternoon. At a banquet in the evening, seventy five people, including our local member of the Provincial Parliament, Kincardine’s Mayor and a representative from Central Region Management Committee, listened […]
Southwest Area Instructors Meeting, August 30, 2015
76 participants arrived at the Southwest Centre in Stratford, Ontario for chanting, pot luck lunch and a 3 hour meeting for all instructors in the SW area, including some from Europe and NZ, other locations in Ontario, and those who are not currently instructors. We were led by Marsha Eberhardt and the SW Instructors Committee. […]
Moving on to the peppers!
Buckets & buckets have been filled with vegetables cut all kinds of ways… Bags have been filled with mushrooms, jai balls, more mushrooms… whatever could be prepared more time ahead is about done, so on to the peppers today, which means we’re getting closer to the Big Day. Over 1200 people are expected to […]
Autumn Moon Festival: Getting started on the Apps
The preparations for the Autumn Moon Festival Jai dishes are well underway. Working on the Jai duck & chicken appetizers today. The vegetables should be arriving soon, so… Enjoy the fall colours on your drive up & come join us in the kitchen! Chop a little, learn a lot. And of course, your helping hands […]
30 years worth of Taoist Tai Chi™ arts celebrated in Newmarket
On Saturday September 19th, Newmarket hosted a 30th anniversary celebration which also coincided with the fifth anniversary at our beautiful location at 355 Davis Drive. Despite the extensive construction activities on Davis Drive, everyone found their way to the celebration including Mayor Van Bynen who assured us that after three years of noise and disruption […]
Vancouver’s Fenway Fundraiser Still Fabulous
The Vancouver Branch’s Fenway Fundraiser community art project has been hanging around on our bulletin board since February 2015 – it was such a fun project and turned out so well, we haven’t had the heart to take it down yet. It reminds us how much fun we had eating crab cakes and drinking mojitos […]
Balcony Garden in Vancouver, BC
Participants have been enjoying working together to care for our balcony garden at the Pacific Region Centre in Vancouver, BC. The garden is a host to a wide variety of fruits and vegetables (which we have been using in our kitchen), and flowering plants, including strawberries, peppers, tomatoes of many kinds, eggplants, grape vines, verbena, […]
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