The Dragon's Head Blog
Three Religions Temple spruced up
The outside of our Three Religions Temple at the International Centre near Orangeville has just been repainted in areas where the Canadian winters have taken their biggest toll since it was opened in 2007. Work is also being done on freshening the paint on some of the deities inside the temple.
Happy Birthday Tony Kwong!
Participants of summer Tai Chi week celebrated Tony’s Birthday.
Tai Chi at the Temple!
Leading up to the big grand opening of the Wong Dai Sin temple this summer, the regular D’Arcy Street Wednesday morning classes have been moved to our new location on Steeles Avenue! Thanks to the innovative cantilevered design of the temple, participants have been enjoying the opportunity to practice and learn outside comfortably, rain or […]
Summer Tai Chi Week at the International Centre in Orangeville
Summer Tai Chi week is no longer the best-kept secret at the International Centre, Orangeville. 186 international participants had the opportunity to upgrade their Tai Chi in significant ways with the help of International Instructor, Tony Kwong. All week long, the festive practice hall was abuzz with participants learning and practicing refinements to their foundations […]
Kingston National Program, June 6-7, 2015
The Kingston National Program on June 6-7 had its ups and downs as program leader Susan Lundy began with standing right up in the Don-yu, moved on to timing of the hands before the drop, and then continued the focus on up and down (and yes, the hands) through the Tor-yu, and Wave Hands. It […]
Taoist Tai Chi Society comments on Premier’s Yoga tweet
The Taoist Tai Chi Society has contacted Premier Christy Clark’s office, asking for a statement to clarify that the Society is in no way involved with a controversy over a yoga event on Vancouver’s Burrard Bridge. The premier on Thursday tweeted a photo of herself posing in front of a Taoist Tai Chi™ location, with […]
Southwest Area Central Region Program, May 23, 2015
81 participants from around Southwestern Ontario and beyond gathered at the Southwest Centre in Stratford for a Central Region Program. The program was a joint effort of all eight Southwest locations. Judy Millen led the day, assisted by Marsha Eberhardt, president of FLK. Judy worked with us particularly on our toryu and the beginning of the […]
Seniors’ Week at the International Centre, May 11-15, 2015
For five days, under the leadership of Verity Rolfe, we discovered our centres, learned to look far, and pressed and balanced our way through don-yus, tor-yus, snakes and several moves. The results were obvious as our sets became calmer and much more together. A nice balance of large and small group activities with simple, clear […]
Atlantic Region Holds First Annual Seniors Day, May 7th, 2015
On May 7th the Atlantic Region held its first annual Seniors’ Day. Each location hosted some sort of activity. Several hosted very successful Intensives in the morning with lunch to follow and one location included High Tea – complete with dainty sandwiches and fine china. Several groups organized visits to retirement communities to share Taoist Tai Chi™ arts […]
Edmonton Celebrates 35 Years
May 1st – 3rd 2015; the 35th anniversary of Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi™ in Edmonton. We were honoured to have John Huang from Sarnia, Ontario lead us through the selection of Taoist Tai Chi™ arts offered in celebration. The weekend started on Friday the 1st of May with a Seniors Day Tai […]
Mother’s Day Banquet on April 25, 2015 in Toronto
The Mother’s Day Banquet on April 25 in Toronto was a great success in bringing together 360 of our friends and family from all over Ontario and parts beyond. This annual event gives us the opportunity to come together to celebrate, socialize and strengthen our connections to each other and the organization. Guests were greeted […]
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