The Dragon's Head Blog
Christmas High Tea in Newport, South Wales
The Western Region Centre in Newport, South Wales, held a Christmas party with an unusual twist this year. A High Tea was organised with finger sandwiches of ham, egg and cucumber followed every possible type of cake, including mini eclairs, lemon drizzle cake, Christmas Cake, mince pies and lots of mini chocolate cakes along with […]
Happy to Help
Here are just a few of the generous people who contributed to the Colchester Food Bank this Christmas. The food bank support people in need in the local area. The local branch that organised the collection wish to thank everyone for their kind donations – we weighed in at 193.7 kg, which gave us a nice target for next […]
Staying alive…
While many of us are working hard to improve our health, Bob, a participant from Colchester in Great Britain, is just focussing on staying alive. Here is his story: 2 years ago I broke my arm and had to do everything with my left hand. The doctor told me the cause of the break was […]
Thanking the kitchen
Participants gave their thanks to the volunteers in the kitchen for the external source of energy that powered the program week in Edinburgh.
Movement and Stillness
And of course we practised lots of Taoist Tai Chi ™ arts too at our international program week in Edinburgh. We focused on making space for the stillness in the movement, and for the dropping on the inside.
Our morning chanting in Edinburgh
Most mornings of our international program week there was an opportunity to practise chanting.
News comes to Edinburgh from around the world
To illustrate the ‘international’ component of our International Workshop, Marsha asked representatives from around the world to tell the Edinburgh participants some news of what’s going for the Society in their various home countries. We heard from Ireland, Spain, France, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, USA, Netherlands, Hungary, GB, Portugal – representatives are pictured, right to left. […]
Edinburgh Anatomy part 2
As the Weekend program got under way, our 150 participants explored their insides with the help of an Essential Anatomy app presentation, during which we had a real-life demonstration of the the importance of good posture on the position of our organs. Please don’t think we spent all week sitting around watching TV!
Dunedin to Edinburgh to Dunedin
We’re Skyping again, and this time Marsha calls Pegoty and Jean in Dunedin, Florida, where the Fenway renovation is swarming with carpenters and demolition crews. We hear of how the old elevator (pictured) was hoisted out of the building – or was it an illustration of the dan-yu? Members from Edinburgh will be on the […]
Edinburgh anatomy session
Continuing our search for an understanding of the universe, and for simplicity, Marsha spoke about the effects of Taoist Tai Chi™ arts effects on our anatomy using a skeleton as a model of the body; Steve spoke of the same using a tea tray and a practise sword as a model of the skeleton.
A wobble at the top of the kick
Tuesday in Edinburgh, and the catering crew encounters the equivalent of a ‘wobble at the top of the kick’, when the oven overheats and the smoke forces a brief evacuation of the kitchen. As well-trained tai-chi-er’s, Elizabeth and the team recover their balance and serve the planned (and delicious) sausage pasta bake only 10 minutes […]
Connecting inside and outside from Edinburgh
As a new International Workshop gets under way in Edinburgh, GB, event leader Marsha Eberhardt connects the participants inside with the wider Society outside, with a video call to Andrew Hung and Judy Millen at D’arcy Street, Toronto.
School visit to the centre
Pupils from St George’s School took some time out from their classroom lessons to visit the Taoist Tai Chi European Centre in Colchester. After a long walk from their school they were welcomed by a small team of volunteers. They sat enthralled, listening to the story of The Crane and the Snake and Master Moy’s […]
Regional Awareness Day in Scotland
Scottish Region’s Taoist Tai Chi Awareness Day in Edinburgh, 19 September 2015
Physios to get an introduction to the health benefits of tai chi
More than 50 physiotherapy staff in the Edinburgh area (UK) will attend an event showcasing the health benefits of tai chi. The free evening event takes place on 16 September at the National Taoist Tai Chi Centre in Edinburgh. Jo Gordon, an occupational health physiotherapist with the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh’s staff physiotherapy service, said: […]
Brightening up a grey summer
Awareness Day in East Anglia, Great Britain, August 29 2015 A meal and an intensive on Friday night, then chanting, jai and Awareness Day on Saturday, the one day of the week it didn’t rain, made for a full and enjoyable weekend. We accompanied a rock concert in the park […]
Awareness Day in Bristol, UK
50 Taoist Tai Chi Society participants from 3 different branches took part in the Awareness Day celebrations in Millennium Square in central Bristol. Sparkling summer sunshine, combined with a vibrant part of Bristol city, provided a perfect setting for the display. Many flyers for local classes were handed out, and it was perhaps our most […]
Beginners Weekend in Newport, South Wales
The Western Region Centre in Newport hosted its first Beginners Weekend on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th July 2015. Over 60 people attended, with a mix of complete beginners, current beginners, continuing members and instructors, all enjoying the 2 days of Tai Chi. After the first day and after less than 4 hours instruction the […]
Dan-yu life-saver
My name is Pat and I have been a member of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Great Britain for 15 years and an instructor for 10 years. 5 years ago I had an accident in my car. I woke up just as the airbag was deflating and because the car was tipped on its […]
Conclusion of Tai Chi
The workshop comes to a close, and it’s time to show joyful appreciation for the workshop leader, and to present the lucky money. Also to the hard working team of volunteers who took care of us all throughout the week, particularly the kitchen team.
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