The Dragon's Head Blog
Seminari Internazionali
International Workshop 2019 in Ballina, Co. Mayo, Ireland
In the first week of September, the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Ireland hosted a 5 day International Workshop on the banks of the River Moy in Ballina. There were133 participants from 9 countries, some who have been practicing Taoist Tai Chi for over 30 years and some for 7 weeks. Everyone benefitted from the […]
Coming together again as family: trust, sincerity and dedication
The international 5 day workshop organised by members of our Scandinavian societies and the Netherlands is now hosting 129 participants coming from 17 countries. New and familiar faces come together to deepen their knowledge and enjoy the legacy of what Master Moy left us. It is always a special opportunity to meet other participants outside […]
Tai Chi heatwave in Colchester, GB
There was a Tai Chi heatwave in the UK as over one-hundred-and-fifty participants gathered for the five-day International Programme in Colchester. The heat truly was a friend, as it softened muscles, tendons and ligaments, enabling everyone to work more deeply into their bodies through the danyu and toryu. The heat also worked to slow our brains, […]
Everyone Sang – the joy of Taoist Tai Chi™ arts
Everyone suddenly burst out singing; And I was filled with such delight As prisoned birds must find in freedom … … and the song was wordless; the singing will never be done.” – Everyone Sang, by Siegfried Sassoon Joy was a word used and felt by many of the more than 100 participants at the […]
‘My mind was calm, my body was calm’
At 37 years young, I am what some would consider “broken” (for my age). A physiotherapist (one of many), whom I had a long-standing relationship with after a ruptured disc in my early twenties, described me as a patient whose body tenses easily with an inability for my muscles to release or relax – often […]
International Programme, Gatton, Queensland
That great Australian expression “No worries” came into its own during the International Programme held at the University of Queensland Gatton campus from 17 – 21 July 2019. More than 230 members from across Australia, New Zealand and the US enjoyed a residential retreat in peaceful rural surrounds that are just perfect for ‘letting go’. […]
International Program – Miami Florida – July 2019
Participants thoughts after the program: The workshop theme, “letting go of worry”, goes to the core of our tai chi. Our practice is a powerful prescription for keeping the mind, body and spirit healthy. With a lighter step and lighter heart, I left the workshop looking forward to the next opportunity to deepen my understanding. Jill P. […]
Summer International Workshop in the Netherlands
From June 26 – 30, in the Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi Centre in Helmond, 66 participants from 9 countries enjoyed a 5 day International Workshop. Temperatures outside were record breaking high but inside everything was cool and calm. What a joy to work together on these arts!
International Program – California Branch
The California Branch hosted a rich and rewarding International Program on June 1-2. We worked on letting go, moving from the spine with “no arms” through a number of sequences in the set as well as the tor-yu and don-yu. We learned about some of the important upcoming events at the International Center Florida. We […]
Sabre Workshop International Center Florida
How can 71 participants for Taoist Tai Chi Sabre at the International Center Florida learn to practice “not holding” while holding a Sabre? Perhaps the answer is to start with not worrying, letting go, and just turning the spine. It could take years rather than just three days, but smiling all the while.
Sword Workshop International Center Florida
The Taoist Tai Chi Sword Workshop at the International Center Florida was a new adventure for many of the 83 participants, and a welcome review for others. We learned that Taoist Tai Chi Sword is an application and continuation of our Taoist Tai Chi practice with all of the movements coming from the turning of […]
Fun with the internals in Helmond
Nice challenge to set up for the banquet celebrating 30 years of Taoist Tai Chi in the Netherlands and Chinese New Year on the first day of the workshop. A very joyful celebration as we tried to work with no arms but from the heart. A very international celebration as the workshop was organised […]
The quiet centre of the workshop – Colchester, GB
Days 3 and 4 reach that wonderful quietness when everyone has connected more with their centre, and is harmoniously engaging with their tai chi neighbours in the rich and varied life of the programme: Morning chanting …. Tai chi instruction and practise …. Lunch and clear away …. Tai chi instruction and practise, deeper, quieter […]
Tai Chi internals – Colchester, GB
At our Home in Colchester, GB, a hundred participants gather for a spring 5-day international programme. After breakfast and before the programme starts, a chance to practise chanting, with the 10,000 Buddha’s sutra. The tai chi instruction follows some simple themes to access the internals. Participants put the instructions into practice, with help and guidance, […]
Day 5 Lok Hup / Pain Relief Program – International Center Florida
Our bodies, hearts, and minds have been opened with the fullness of this week. Daily chanting and meditation nourished our spirit. As this Lok Hup/Pain Relief week comes to a close we can sincerely appreciate Master Moy’s vision of almost 50 years. The culmination of understanding has brought us here where we can take care of […]
Day 4 – Lok Hup /Pain Relief Program International Center Florida
Participants reflect on their practice this week. -Lok Hup is health recovery for me, I’m feeling like water and the quiet is so profound. -Lok Hup helps me maintain my mobility, especially with my hip injury. -Lok Hup is pain relief for my lower back. I’m finding the tor yu and don yu and enjoying […]
Day 3 Lok Hup/Pain Relief Week – International Center Florida
We have heard stories of Master Moy advising those with health concerns to practice more don yu and tor yu. So, how do we integrate don yu and tor yu with pain relief. Marsha suggests that applying intention of the principles of pressing down, expanding and letting go we become aware of how this makes […]
Lok Hup/Pain Relief Week – International Center Florida
Softer, quieter, less athletic, less work; more feeling on the inside; letting go for the movement to work on you. These opening comments greeted over 80 participants to the International Center in Florida on April 3rd for a combined 2nd half Lok Hup and Pain Relief Week. “Knowing the moves will only take you so […]
The feeling is more important than the form- International program in Lamballe, France
We were over 120 members attending the program led by Andrew Hung on 16-18 March. Andrew gave us many precious and precise instructions to explore and work on the lengthening of the spine and the full circles. The wind and rain were violent outside the building but we were hot inside while looking for the […]
International program in the Southern European Center with banquet of the Chinese New Year
It was a splendid banquet and we were honored with the attendance of several representatives from different countries and associations of the field of health, all that in a festive and cheerful atmosphere. Both the organization and the realization of the banquet were carried out by volunteer members from thirteen different countries. We also had […]
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