The Dragon's Head Blog
Seminari Internazionali
International Workshop in Budapest
In early September 167 participants from 8 countries gathered together in Budapest to attend a two-day international workshop led by Joé Thibault and Louis Blaquiere. In an easy-going and cheerful atmosphere, we had a chance to participate and enjoy a well-rounded and full program. A major focus was on the eyes, which help connect the […]
The program must go on …
A morning-long power cut didn’t stop 61 participants continuing to benefit from a lok hup program at the International Centre. As the light darkened in the Quiet Cultivation Centre practice hall, program leader Chris Lewis suggested we take our lok hup outside. Centre staff and volunteers also kept everything working, serving breakfast and lunch despite […]
First International Workshop in Switzerland
On June 27-28, we had the opportunity to hold a first international workshop in Switzerland. We feel really privileged to have had the chance to experience such a nice adventure. Thank you! From the very beginning, the workshop planning conveyed a nice “working together” and “helping each other” spirit within the organization team. Very rapidly, […]
Beginners Weekend in Newport, South Wales
The Western Region Centre in Newport hosted its first Beginners Weekend on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th July 2015. Over 60 people attended, with a mix of complete beginners, current beginners, continuing members and instructors, all enjoying the 2 days of Tai Chi. After the first day and after less than 4 hours instruction the […]
5 Day International Program in Ireland on the banks of the River Moy
The very first 5-day IWS in Ireland and more than 163 people from 12 different countries gathered in Foxford! The workshop was led by Tony Kwong. We worked on the foundation exercises and on a lot of the moves in the set. We largely worked in our small groups and this helped each of us […]
New England Branch Regional Workshop June 13 – 14, 2015
On June 13 and14, we enjoyed a wonderful spring weekend in historic Exeter, NH for the New England Branch Regional Workshop. Exeter served as New Hampshire’s Revolutionary War Capital. George Washington once spent a night in Folsom Tavern where our Saturday lunch was held and President Abraham Lincoln gave a speech in 1860 at the […]
Toledo, Ohio Celebrates 25 Years
On the weekend of May 29-30 the Toledo, OH USA branch celebrated their 25 years of practicing the Taoist Tai Chi™ Arts by having a weekend of activity. On Friday evening we started by doing a round of 108 Move Sets, then we enjoyed a delicious Chinese meal. On Saturday we continued doing Sets until […]
Pleasant Hill, CA – International Weekend Workshop
On Saturday June 20th and Sunday June 21st a workshop was held at the Pleasant Hill Center of the San Francisco Bay Area Branch of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA. Our guest instructor was Tony Kwong. There were over 60 enthusiastic attendees from San Diego, Portland, Denver, the Vancouver area, Phoenix and […]
Portugal, Italy & Spain Instructors Gathering
Southern European Centre, 20-21 June 2015 This weekend the Southern European Centre held our annual Instructors Gathering. For the first time the event included Italy, with 65 participants in total. Saturday morning was a Tai Chi session led by Madalena Carmona, Lucia Tiribilli and Jesús Vicens. Connecting the pushing from the feet with the […]
Summer Tai Chi Week at the International Centre in Orangeville
Summer Tai Chi week is no longer the best-kept secret at the International Centre, Orangeville. 186 international participants had the opportunity to upgrade their Tai Chi in significant ways with the help of International Instructor, Tony Kwong. All week long, the festive practice hall was abuzz with participants learning and practicing refinements to their foundations […]
Kingston National Program, June 6-7, 2015
The Kingston National Program on June 6-7 had its ups and downs as program leader Susan Lundy began with standing right up in the Don-yu, moved on to timing of the hands before the drop, and then continued the focus on up and down (and yes, the hands) through the Tor-yu, and Wave Hands. It […]
Conclusion of Tai Chi
The workshop comes to a close, and it’s time to show joyful appreciation for the workshop leader, and to present the lucky money. Also to the hard working team of volunteers who took care of us all throughout the week, particularly the kitchen team.
3-Day Program in Denmark: When home becomes even more like home!
On May 15th-17th the Taoist Tai Chi Society in Denmark hosted a 3-day program. Ankie Boumans was instructing and we worked on standing foundations, looking for example at sliding doors (for opening), clouds (for pushing gently), we did many don-yus and tor-yus as well. As well as visiting the partitions, getting a wider angle in […]
So much in it: Colchester 5-day Program
The latest news from Colchester is – on Thursday we worked on the first four moves of the set. Who’d have thought there was so much in it! Friday morning in Colchester, and before the workshop programme starts, some groups are practicing the ‘sandwich set’ while others chant. It’s Friday evening in Colchester. Day three. […]
An inspiring way to start the day
Workshop participants in Colchester, UK, started the day with chanting practicing – The 10,000 Buddha’s Sutra.
The Foundation of an International Workshop
150 participants from 13 countries are gathered in Colchester, UK, for a 5-day International Workshop with Tony Kwong. On Wednesday we worked on our foundations, in groups.
Southwest Area Central Region Program, May 23, 2015
81 participants from around Southwestern Ontario and beyond gathered at the Southwest Centre in Stratford for a Central Region Program. The program was a joint effort of all eight Southwest locations. Judy Millen led the day, assisted by Marsha Eberhardt, president of FLK. Judy worked with us particularly on our toryu and the beginning of the […]
If You Bake it They Will Come: Fundraiser for Fenway in Great Britain
Following on from last year’s successful “Tea at the Ritz” fundraiser the local branch organized an Art Deco Tea Party, inspired by the period design of the Fenway. We planned, we baked, we ate, we fundraised and we partied. One kind member donated a £100 bottle of Champagne so we raised additional money for our […]
Tai Chi Sword at the International Centre in Florida
The International Centre in Florida hosted its first Tai Chi Sword Workshop with 114 participants. Over the three days, the workshop participants enjoyed practicing the Sword set both indoors and outdoors. As there was such a good turn out, it was sometimes necessary to separate into two groups to accommodate the swords! The workshop leader, Karen […]
Seniors’ Week at the International Centre, May 11-15, 2015
For five days, under the leadership of Verity Rolfe, we discovered our centres, learned to look far, and pressed and balanced our way through don-yus, tor-yus, snakes and several moves. The results were obvious as our sets became calmer and much more together. A nice balance of large and small group activities with simple, clear […]
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