The Dragon's Head Blog
Aggiornamenti dal Centro
International Center Florida Construction Update Nov 30, 2015
Construction inside of Building A and surrounding property is increasing…. Trees that had been scheduled for removal in the new parking lot are being removed to make room for more heavy equipment. Workers are continuing to rebuild the first floor and new elevator shaft that is taking the place of the old stairwell. New test […]
Lok Hup Week and Building Connections with locals in Dunedin
190 participants attended Lok Hup week at the International Center Florida. Today, we have the President/CEO of Dunedin Chamber of Commerce and the President of Scottish Arts Foundation joined us for lunch. We presented them with a picture from Awareness Day in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Sugar shack construction has begun!
Exciting news! The sugar shack construction has begun in the maple forest at the International Centre. All interested craftsmen/women are welcome to come and help out when you can 🙂 Please phone Centre ahead to confirm: 1-877-585-8822
Lunch with local Dunedin officials
Mayor of Dunedin along with other city officials joined us for lunch and took a tour of Fenway in renovation. Mayor of Dunedin was presented with gifts from sister city in Scotland.
International Centre Orangeville remains open during winter months
There may not be any programs from November to April at the International Centre Orangeville, except Fung Loy Kok week and Lantern Festival in mid-February however, the Centre remains open. There are still many projects to do around the Centre; just to name a few: Fix and repair rooms in the main building Building sugar […]
Tai Chi Week at the International Center Florida
Over 240 participants are attending Tai Chi Week at the new International Center Florida. The program lead by Tony Kwong, started yesterday in the rain which kept many attendees inside the first day Today we have the tents up in the parking lots for participants to enjoy the Florida sunshine. Marsha Eberhardt presented Pegoty Packman […]
International Center Florida Update Nov 3, 2015
Progress is being made around building A. We were notified that the two framing crews have turned to three this week. One crew continuing in the SE wing, moving slowly as they move floor joists, one on the roof and one continuing in the Dinning Room. Dinning Room Crew . SE wing crew, has four rooms […]
Autumn Jai Festival at the International Centre, Orangeville
The first annual Autumn Jai Festival was a great success! On October 17 at the International Centre near Orangeville, FLK hosted just under 1300 guests, mostly from the Chinese community, (most of whom were not familiar with our organization), for one of our biggest Jais ever. it was a sold out event and guests were not deterred […]
International Center Florida – Construction Update Oct 23, 2015
The activity in Building A, The Historic Fenway, is increasing. The original elevator was removed this week from the roof of the building. The elevator was locked on the third floor and was not operable. We now have two framing crews working in different parts of the building. The first crew is working in the first […]
After the big success of the first one, yesterday at the Southern European Centre we prepared a second batch of 42 tubs of Dulce de Membrillo (Quince Cheese), a fundraiser towards the International Centre in Dunedin. And there is a third batch on the way…
Quince Cheese for Florida
Yesterday at the Southern European Centre a group of members prepared the first batch of Dulce de Membrillo, Quince Cheese or Jelly. A sweet project to raise funds for the International Centre in Dunedin, Florida. Online orders are not available, but perhaps you or some fellow member will be visiting Madrid in the near […]
What’s happening at the Fenway Hotel?
“What’s happening at the Fenway Hotel?” is a question that occasionally reverberates around the tai chi practice hall as beginning and continuing students participate in their classes. Recognizing the importance of keeping interested students connected, Dunedin Branch President Robin Reardon led several interested students on an extensive tour of the Fenway on October 17, 2015. […]
Moving on to the peppers!
Buckets & buckets have been filled with vegetables cut all kinds of ways… Bags have been filled with mushrooms, jai balls, more mushrooms… whatever could be prepared more time ahead is about done, so on to the peppers today, which means we’re getting closer to the Big Day. Over 1200 people are expected to […]
School visit to the centre
Pupils from St George’s School took some time out from their classroom lessons to visit the Taoist Tai Chi European Centre in Colchester. After a long walk from their school they were welcomed by a small team of volunteers. They sat enthralled, listening to the story of The Crane and the Snake and Master Moy’s […]
Autumn Moon Festival: Getting started on the Apps
The preparations for the Autumn Moon Festival Jai dishes are well underway. Working on the Jai duck & chicken appetizers today. The vegetables should be arriving soon, so… Enjoy the fall colours on your drive up & come join us in the kitchen! Chop a little, learn a lot. And of course, your helping hands […]
Happy Birthday dear Southern European Centre!
Five years already! Five years of classes and intensives. Five years of small weekend programs and large International Instructors Workshops. Health Recovery Week, Sabre and Lok Hup programs. Five years of Instructors and Board Meetings, of tasks and hard working. Five years of cooking for small groups and for large banquets. And then the High […]
“Get to Know your Centre” Day in Madrid
Last Saturday we had a “Get to Know your Centre” Day at the Southern European Centre in Madrid. Around 20 members, some very new, and our very younger ones! joined for a full exposure to the Taoist Tai Chi™ arts. We started the day by Opening the High Shrine, followed by some chanting. There was Tai […]
A warm welcome in Dunedin
Andrew Hung received welcome gift basket from Lynn Wargo, President and member of Dunedin Chamber of Commerce.
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