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The Dragon's Head Blog: First International Workshop of 2018 in Prague, Czech Republic — Part II

During my regular class people asked me about the workshop. I realized how different it was. Although we seemed to practice less, much has changed for me. Surprisingly, I am able to remember the “new things” achieved during the international workshop. They pop up on their own :-). Moreover, I am already able to integrate them into the set (or almost). Normally, a few days after the international workshop I cannot remember what it was about and I have to read my notes and then work hard for a long time to change the old habits.
— Jelena, Prague

I have already attended several workshops in Prague and abroad. This one was completely different. And only at the end I realized that it was even exceptional. I’m happy that I have experienced something like that. I am sure it moved me a little higher.
— Táňa, Praha

Andrew Hung has guided us into the inner world of Taoist Tai Chi™ arts and shown the instructors the way they should go. Once again we got an injection with a new dose of willingness to work diligently. It happens after each international workshop, but this time we’ve got so much to take home. Thank you.
— Eliška, Vsetín

I was surprised by the amount of energy I suddenly gained, and I know that I have never practiced such two sets like those according to Andrew’s instructions before. On Sunday, I was very grateful for what Andrew was giving us. Humility and acceptance of the flow of things that take place with joy and without judgment is for me a matter of settling my ego, and then I am able to see things from the broader perspective. Stillness and balance in our bodies and minds is what Andrew has been reminding us all the time. We constantly get new impulses on what to work on ????.
— Zdena, Poděbrady

I was lucky that four people who had attended the Prague international workshop came to my regular class. I asked them to tell the others a few words what the workshop was like. It was amazing to hear what had impressed them the most. Everyone was talking about a sense of gratitude and relaxation. It was unique for every single one and at the same time it was great for all as a whole. We were happy to cook our own bread but also the common one all together ????.
— Christine, Brno

The workshop was awesome, without discipline of mind and focus on the correct execution of movements it is not possible to move forward in the tai chi training. And I’m so glad we had the opportunity to work on it for two days. My own experience has convinced me that if we practice regularly, it really helps to improve health. I have been practicing since 2004, from 2013 as a beginner instructor. Ten years ago, I went through a bone examination (densitometry) and now I had the opportunity to have myself re-examined. Since I am 50 years old, I wanted to know if I was not at risk of osteoporosis. The results were better than 10 years ago! There was no loss of minerals and calcium in the bones and, according to my doctor, my bones correspond to those of a person 10-15 years younger.
— Jana, Prague

I have a thinning eye retina and this practice helps me keep it ok. Whenever I practice two sets in a row, I find myself seeing more clearly. It is evidence of greater blood circulation. This time it happened already in the middle of the first set. Because we have been working really hard on balance and weight shifting.
— Věra, Havířov

The constant emphasis on the basics eventually brought us incredible feelings and understanding during the two evening sets. We understood why Andrew had so vigorously led the whole workshop. He really kept his eye on us to be sure we understand the basics and are able to overcome the stereotype. I was also very pleased with the reaction of one of our members who started practicing in 1996 and now had an 8-year break because she moved away 80 km from Prague. Despite the distance, she will start to regularly attend a class because it’s worth it…
— Valérie, Prague

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