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The Dragon's Head Blog: My asthma with the practice of Taoist Tai Chi™ arts

I was very young when I started suffering from allergic asthma, particularly severe during spring. So, it is years that I need to check the Oxygen blood saturation (pO2) regularly, with an oxymeter: until recently, I have been finding it around 90/92 %, which doctors found acceptable. 

With the practice of Taoist Tai Chiarts (I started 8 years ago) the p02 rose and stabilized between 94 and 96%. 

Since the pandemic began, I started self-practice on a daily basis and gained more and more confidence with listening, feeling, paying attention to opening and letting go

(As a matter of fact, I must confess that not having someone next to me watching – be it the instructor or the “best student” in the class – and following my personal timing helped me a lot in developing a relaxed attention, as opposite to the tense one I used to experience). 

As a result, now my usual saturation value is in the range of 98-99% and I aim to reach 100%! 

Definitely, also the weekly chanting sessions played an important role in this improvement. When I first tried to chant during workshops, I was quickly out of breath  and had to stop immediately, albeit reluctantly. Now I very much enjoy it: it makes me feel each time more open, quiet and relaxed.

Even though I look forward to gathering together again now or then, I know I took the best from these difficult times. 

That’s why I want to say how grateful I am to Master Moy for such a richness he left us and to our Leaders who keep sharing and spreading it, with generosity. 

Ornella, Italy

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