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The Dragon's Head Blog

Nemzetközi Központ Florida
Seniors Week and International Seniors Day Celebrated at the International Center Florida

Seniors Week and International Seniors Day Celebrated at the International Center Florida

QUOTES FROM PARTICIPANTS IN INTERNATIONAL SENIORS WEEK, NOVEMBER 5-9, 2018   SENIORS WEEK PROGRAM:   My first workshop since starting in February this year.  Not too surprised to see so many seniors, but still amazed at their abilities.  Wonderful to have in-depth instruction and to participate in discussions on how we are individually being helped.  […]
Be A Part Of the Celebration As We Officially Open The International Center Florida on November 3, 2018

Be A Part Of the Celebration As We Officially Open The International Center Florida on November 3, 2018

Be a Part of the Celebration as we Officially open the International Center Florida on Nov. 3, 2018. The big day is almost here! Hundreds of international Tai Chi practitioners are on their way or are already here to help us celebrate the official grand opening of the International Center Florida on November 3, 2018 […]
International Center Florida Grand Opening will be November 3rd, 2018

International Center Florida Grand Opening will be November 3rd, 2018

Our newest International Center in Dunedin, Florida is getting closer to being ready. Excited for the Grand Opening on Nov 3, 2018. Our newest International Center in Dunedin, FL is getting closer to being ready. Excited for the Grand Opening on Nov 3, 2018. #TaoistTaiChi #balance #BecauseItWorks — Taoist Tai Chi™ (@taoisttaichisoc) April 8, […]
Second Half of Lok Hup in Dunedin, Florida

Second Half of Lok Hup in Dunedin, Florida

Practicing and learning together,meditating together,eating together, tasking together, and visiting the almost complete practice hall at the International Center. We were honored by the participation of Marsha Eberhardt, president of the International Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi Society. What an amazing week we’ve had! 109 eager participants worked together to understand and apply the […]
First Session of Taoist Tai Chi® Arts at New Practice Hall of International Center Florida

First Session of Taoist Tai Chi™ Arts at New Practice Hall of International Center Florida

Participants of Lok Hup Week held in Dunedin, Florida, USA, were the first to practice Taoist Tai Chi™ arts in the new practice hall at the International Center Florida. This Friday after all the workers left for the weekend participants carpooled to the International Center’s new practice hall. They were met by the construction project managers […]
Women and Taoist Arts Workshop at the International Center in Florida

Women and Taoist Arts Workshop at the International Center in Florida

Participants from all over the USA and Canada came together to participate in the weekend workshop lead by Joé Thibault and Nicole Morency.  Dr. Tatiana Huguenin from the Sarasota branch also gave a brief presentation on how Taoist Tai Chi™ practice affects the body. Participants had many wonderful things to say after the program. „A […]
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