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The Dragon's Head Blog

Persoonlijke beoefening in Nederland

Persoonlijke beoefening in Nederland

Aan het begin van de Corona lockdown voelde ik mij gestresst en onrustig. Ik was, op een bepaalde manier, drukker dan ooit met mijn gezin en worstelde met beperkte energie. Dit zorgde ervoor dat ik minder en versnipperde momenten had om zelf te oefenen. Toen ik voor de eerste keer meedeed aan “Chanten voor de […]
Persoonlijke verhalen – Nederland

Persoonlijke verhalen – Nederland

Tai chi op een stoel. Half juli maakte ik een val van mijn fiets en brak mijn linker knie. Ineens stond mijn leven een moment stil en nam abrupt een andere wending. Van een zeer actief persoon ging mijn leven over in de gang van een slak. Vanaf dat Covid-19 zijn intrede deed in ons […]
67 participants and volunteers work together International Taoist Retreat in the Netherlands

67 participants and volunteers work together International Taoist Retreat in the Netherlands

It was wonderful to discover how it feels to put our minds into our spines, there seems to be always more.  Meanwhile, volunteers in the Centre helped to run everything smoothly, making sure there was food and all kinds of things that were needed. Adding to the full experience, we enjoyed some chanting in the morning and practiced lok hup in the evening. Now we have our ‘homework’, and we will be sure to come back for more opportunities to meet and practice together. We are very grateful that we can practice these internal arts to improve our health. “Today was a great moment for me. I have a very stiff back and balance problems due to polio […]
Happy Christmas activity

Happy Christmas activity

On Sunday 15 December 2019, the Netherlands Seniors’ Committee invited Belgian members and Dutch participants for an intensive, a delicious Christmas lunch and a fun(d)raising activity in Helmond. The Belgian members even rented a coach for this occassion because so many wanted to go. The fun(d)raising activity was ‘Bingo’, a typical seniors game with balls […]
The benefit of working together in harmony in our Northern European Center in Helmond

The benefit of working together in harmony in our Northern European Center in Helmond

Helmond, November 23-25, 2019 “There was a nice and special atmosphere, it felt very quiet right from the beginning”,  said a participant after the first day. Indeed, the atmosphere was very relaxed and helped us to focus and better integrate the instructions. We all worked intensively and with goodwill to experience the ground force, the […]
Awareness Day in Belgium

Awareness Day in Belgium

On this beautiful summer day in Brussels we celebrated Awareness Day. We did some sets and gave an introduction class to interested people. This announces the beginning of the Taoist Tai Chi TM season in the parks that will take place in Belgium in July and August. The bravest ended with a picnic and a […]
Senior intensive and guided city tour

Senior intensive and guided city tour

On July 5th,  the first activity of 2018 organised by the seniors committee of The Netherlands took place in Haarlem. A city walk with a surprise treat at the end of the tour was planned after the Intensive in the morning followed by a pot luck lunch. Over thirty members from different locations started the […]
Finding the Source in Helmond

Finding the Source in Helmond

During the terrific five-day international workshop in Helmond,  67 participants played, experienced and felt the extension, contraction, weight-shifting and elasticity in every move of the set. Andrew Hung clarified that these elements are the source, better known as the don-yu and the tor-yu.  When we started with the first set at the beginning of the […]
A Different Beginning in Helmond, Holland

A Different Beginning in Helmond, Holland

Silence. Surprise. Expectation. Cosy atmosphere. Djambe followed by a group of voices singing Evening rise, spirit come… . That’s how we welcomed 2018 in the Netherlands, last January 5th, at 08:00PM at the Taoist Tai Chi Centre in Helmond … with a new year concert! For two months we called out for hidden talents among members […]
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