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The Dragon's Head Blog

Verenigd Koninkrijk
Sharing Master Moy’s teachings with the community

Sharing Master Moy’s teachings with the community

The local branch of the Taoist Tai Chi Society in Great Britain were invited to participate in Diversity Week at Tendring Technology College. Leaders in Training led two sessions for about 50 year 8 students plus 5 staff members.  Information about the organization, our founder Master Moy and some of the health benefits of the […]
Harmony and Self-repair

Harmony and Self-repair

Participants took the opportunity to work together harmoniously and deepen their understanding of the teachings of Master Moy, making new habits to help them improve their health, mental and physical. Emphasis throughout the five days was on underlying principles and foundations of Taoist Tai ChiTM Arts.  Time was taken each day to work on the […]
Meer verbonden voelen

Meer verbonden voelen

Toen de lockdown kwam stopten de lessen en alle gebruikelijke routine was verdwenen. Ik voelde me stuurloos. Ik deed zoals gewoonlijk dagelijks mijn sets, maar ik merkte dat aan het einde van een set de tranen over mijn wangen stroomden, ook al voelde ik me kalm. Het was verontrustend. Wat te doen? Ik besloot met […]
Van verdriet naar vreugde

Van verdriet naar vreugde

Ik vond deze derde lockdown in Engeland erg moeilijk en voelde me gebroken door het verdriet om onze zoon die 18 maanden geleden stierf. Het is een strijd geweest om dagelijks mijn oefeningen te doen. Ik heb mezelf echter gedwongen om op zaterdag en maandag mee te chanten om wat structuur in mijn leven te […]
Gewoontes veranderen

Gewoontes veranderen

56 jaar geleden is mijn moeder overleden. Ik was 10 jaar. Sindsdien heb ik een behoorlijk roekeloos leven geleid. Roken is een van mijn coping mechanismes geweest gedurende de laatste 40 jaar tot 6 jaar geleden, toen Taoist Tai Chi me de kracht gaf om te stoppen. Ik heb een paar jaar geleden een plaquette […]


    Life at the moment is full of emotion and grief and Taoist Tai ChiTM arts have been an absolute saviour. My first “light bulb” moment happened when I was doing A Danyu challenge.  I did forty danyus and then the next ten slowly, really concentrating in pushing with the feet and allowing the […]
Carry on regardless

Carry on regardless

I have been practicing Taoist Tai ChiTM arts for a number of years. I had been encouraged by a friend to give it a go, and I’m still giving it a go. One of the wonderful features of Taoist Tai Chi is that you are always ‘giving it a go’ you can never say that’s […]
Reflections on practising alone together

Reflections on practising alone together

Going out to a Tai Chi class had been a staple of my weekly routine for so many years, I couldn’t imagine how it would feel without that physical link to the Society, the meeting with other members, and the practising together. I’ve always practised regularly at home, but I’ve now realised I’d been doing […]
More lockdown discoveries…

More lockdown discoveries…

I took part in the danyu challenge and did over 2,500. I really enjoyed doing it and all my aches and pains vanished. One night just after I had completed the challenge I tripped over my big labrador dog and fell flat on my face. I am 65. I lay a minute waiting to see […]
Chanting messages

Chanting messages

I would like to say a big “thank you” for the Chanting sessions on Zoom.  My Tai Chi journey started in October 2018 when I went along to my first beginners class. I found it challenging to maintain my practice since the classes were paused.  I have had the time to be able to reflect […]
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