The Dragon's Head Blog
Frankrijk uit haar dankbaarheid aan eerstelijnswerkers
Toen de gezondheidscrisis verminderde, lanceerde de Taoist Tai Chi Society (TTCS) van Frankrijk een campagne van drie maanden gratis introductiecursussen voor eerstelijnswerkers die tijdens de lockdowns bleven werken. Dit gebaar van dankbaarheid richt zich tot de medische en sociale beroepen en de medewerkers van essentiële diensten zoals brandweerlieden, vuilophalers en uitvaartverzorgers; degenen die tijdens deze […]
Al elf maanden en altijd aanwezig!
Opgesloten maar niet verstikt of geïsoleerd! Onze instructeurs zijn nooit gestopt met herhalen tegen ons, zonder ooit moe te worden: “Oefen een paar basisbewegingen, een beetje, elke dag…” In het begin was het oefenen voor mij erg beperkt, vaak vroeg in de ochtend. Ik vond het gemakkelijk om te beginnen, maar moeilijker om door te […]
Pijn is weg!
Tijdens de laatste lockdown vond ik nauwelijks tijd om te oefenen. Inderdaad, ik had tweemaal mijn normale hoeveelheid werk, naast de dagelijkse huishoudelijke taken (inclusief de zorg voor 4 kinderen). Mijn lichaam betaalde ervoor: ik voelde me meer gestrest en gespannen en kreeg onlangs een blokkade in mijn bovenrug. Ik belde de etiopaat om voor […]
Surprising health benefits of Taoist Tai Chi
Thanks to the intense practice of Taoist Tai ChiTM arts such as we have been able to do since last May, after confinement, the significant visual disturbances from which I had been suffering for about a year and a half, disappeared. The ophthalmologist, who had planned an operation of cataracts this year put it off […]
Personal practice in France
Personal practice during the quarantine I have been practicing Taoist Tai Chi for almost three years. I won’t list the myriad benefits it has given me, in terms of both physical and mental health and the changes in my life, as it would take too long to list them all. During confinement, I continued to […]
International Seniors’ Day in France
We celebrated the International Seniors Day on Nov 8th in Lamballe, France. We had an open door day, and new people either joined a beginners class or chose to follow an introductory class. In the meantime , a group of Senior kitchen hands learnt how to cook gluten free pastries in the kitchen. Biscuits which […]
Taoist Tai Chi and beach cleaning
On a sunny day in Brittany, the Taoist Tai Chi Society of France, in partnership with a local environmental conservation society, helped with a beach cleaning day. With both organisations keen to improve health and balance it was easy to work together in harmony. We had the opportunity to practice several times during the day […]
The feeling is more important than the form- International program in Lamballe, France
We were over 120 members attending the program led by Andrew Hung on 16-18 March. Andrew gave us many precious and precise instructions to explore and work on the lengthening of the spine and the full circles. The wind and rain were violent outside the building but we were hot inside while looking for the […]
Demonstrations in Rennes – France
We had the chance to spend a half day of demos and discussions with people in the beautifull “Parc du Thabor” in the city of Rennes. The day began with a potluck lunch and the setting up of the booth. We had the opportunity to make several demos in this peaceful place and thanks to […]
Taoist Tai ChiTM Arts and Community Fairs in France
Every year in September, the TTCS of France has the opportunity to showcase the Society’s activities. Most of the towns and villages where we have classes organize a Community Fair on the 1st or 2nd weekend of September. Information boards, videos, demos and discussions help us to Promote the activities of the Society. Traditionally, people […]
Program Report from Lamballe, France
Taoist tai chi™ is not slow. It’s a precise art which is very powerful. To repeat the instructions helps us to be connected with our inside feelings. There were 101 members who went to Lamballe, France from various countries and were taught by Andrew on the Saturday morning. Andrew drove us to add more of […]
Lamballe celebrates Year of the Earth Dog
On March 17th, 128 French members and their relatives celebrated the year of the earth dog in Lamballe. Philippe Hercouet and Stephane de Sallier Dupin as représentatives of the local authorities joined us for the celebration as well as Docteur Tessier from Saint Brieuc Hospital where he’s in charge of the rehabilitation department. A delicious […]
International Program in Lamballe
The French TTCS members were very excited about welcoming Sean Dennison as the leader of the last weekend workshop in Lamballe. Sean helped us to find Don-yus and Tor-yus in the set. The more we can find them in the set, the best we improve our practice and our health. He helped us to look […]
Lamballe Center France Hosts Holiday Intensive
Last Saturday, Lamballe center in France hosted a christmas intensive leaded by Ankie Boumans. 88 participants attended from Brittany and Saint Etienne. Ankie instructed us how improving our balance in working on a better centered move. After a potluck lunch prepared in the French food tradition, we spent the afternoon to learn and practice Haïkus, […]
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