Taoist Tai Chi Society https://www.taoisttaichi.org/sk/ Fri, 15 Nov 2024 01:10:14 +0000 sk-SK hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 Lord of the Water Realm https://www.taoisttaichi.org/sk/blog/lord-of-the-water-realm/ Fri, 15 Nov 2024 01:10:11 +0000 https://www.taoisttaichi.org/?p=410004

Tomorrow, participants of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism  will gather to chant the Three Seasons Scripture to commemorate the Festival of the Lord of the Water Realm. Chanting offers a way to seek protection and relief from disasters. 

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Letting go https://www.taoisttaichi.org/sk/blog/letting-go/ Wed, 13 Nov 2024 01:34:43 +0000 https://www.taoisttaichi.org/?p=409964

My dentist recently made me realize that I was clenching my jaws. I was surprised by his comment, but in hindsight, I realized that I was often under tension, as if a background of anxiety kept me on my toes, ready to pounce.

I thought about how to eliminate this tension, using the tools transmitted by the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism.  

At the very beginning of the Taoist Tai Chi arts sequence, there’s a little expansion and contraction movement that really helped me relax. It’s so discreet and portable that I can do it anywhere, anytime. This movement relaxes my shoulders and jaw. All the weight falls into my feet. My body expands, I breathe more deeply and calmness sets in.

Through my practice, I realize that this movement can be found everywhere and that, thanks to the Taoist Tai ChiⓇ  arts, I’m developing my ability to let go. Now the effects are spontaneous, the release has become internalized, and I feel the benefits every day.

~ Sylvie

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The Calm In The Storm https://www.taoisttaichi.org/sk/blog/the-calm-in-the-storm/ Sat, 09 Nov 2024 22:32:33 +0000 https://www.taoisttaichi.org/?p=409916

Most mornings I can be found practicing Taoist Tai ChiⓇ arts in my carport. As I practice, my attention is sometimes interrupted, waylaid by something as trivial as a song, a random thought, or a scene. Or the ambush may be driven by an emotion which takes me on a roller coaster ride. Each time this happens, returning my awareness to the slow, tranquil movements grants me some distance from the turbulence.  I become an observer of my thoughts and my emotions. I find myself in a calmer and quieter place. In a more mindful place, more present, with my body and mind more connected.

There is a tension between these two states. There is the busy, distracting mind versus the calm and quiet of the practice. The random thoughts are like waves crashing on a beach, whereas the movement of my Taoist Tai ChiⓇ  practice is the force that gently draws them back.  There are days when I’m consumed by my thoughts but with daily practice I feel more and more calm as time goes on. In my heart, I know that with consistent practice, the tranquility of the calm waters will continue to grow. 

~ Sean

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Inspirations https://www.taoisttaichi.org/sk/blog/inspirations/ Thu, 07 Nov 2024 16:55:59 +0000 https://www.taoisttaichi.org/?p=409863

My motivation to be consistent in my personal practice is derived from inspirational role models. They show that, through diligent practice of the Taoist Tai Chi® arts, it is possible to transform oneself.  

It sometimes happens that I feel an internal switch flip, simply by listening to someone describe their transformation. Each shared story brings me a particular impression that becomes a source of inspiration in my practice by opening up new inner spaces for me to observe.

Practicing the foundation movements every day, not thinking too much about what is coming, letting Taoist Tai Chi® arts do their work. . . . I trust the power of consistency to become a better version of myself. 


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Balance https://www.taoisttaichi.org/sk/blog/balance/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 02:43:31 +0000 https://www.taoisttaichi.org/?p=409828

Master Moy always asked: “How do you feel?” I think the last four years have taught me to answer his question in a more thoughtful, sensitive way. Some aspects of my personal practice have evolved, his teachings have taken on a different colour for me. The hue is the same, but it is richer, brighter. 

It speaks to me of harmony, balance and introspection. The feeling guides the outer movement rather than the other way around. It is the stillness in the movement that gives me balance, it is the stillness of the mind when I move that allows me to feel more deeply the internal movements. 

Balance, like life, is dynamic and changes all the time. If I can integrate his teachings into all aspects of my daily life, then it will become more stable, albeit shifting. It is not easy, but I am working on it with all my heart! 



Eastern Region National Retreat https://www.taoisttaichi.org/sk/blog/eastern-region-national-retreat/ Wed, 30 Oct 2024 01:07:04 +0000 https://www.taoisttaichi.org/?p=409629

On October 19th and 20th, 152 participants took part in the National Retreat for the Eastern Region. For some, it was the first experience of an FLK retreat.

We were all invited to simply “just do it rather than try to do it”, with confidence, a light heart and an open mind. Find the feeling through observation. Find the path for yourself, take responsibility. Joyful Toryu, joyful Danyu!

Together, in the depth within this simplicity, we discovered a path of internal transformation.

It was also a great opportunity to further develop working together in harmony, whether on the practice floor, or the organization of all the tasks, accommodation, meals, and to learn more about social media.

Festival Goon Yam https://www.taoisttaichi.org/sk/blog/festival-goon-yam-10/ Mon, 21 Oct 2024 21:27:03 +0000 https://www.taoisttaichi.org/blog/festival-goon-yam-10/

Účastníci Fung Loy Kok z dvadsiatich piatich krajín budú 20. októbra chantovať na oslavu a inšpiráciu Goon Yam (Guanyin), bódhisattvu súcitu. Prostredníctvom spoločného chantingu je náš zámer priniesť svetu väčší mier a harmóniu.

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Festival dvoch deviatok 2024 https://www.taoisttaichi.org/sk/blog/festival-dvoch-deviatok-2024/ Fri, 11 Oct 2024 01:28:29 +0000 https://www.taoisttaichi.org/blog/festival-dvoch-deviatok-2024/

Účastníci Inštitútu taoizmu Fung Loy Kok chantujú Písmo synovskej a dcérskej oddanosti na oslavu Festivalu dvoch deviatok v deviaty deň deviateho lunárneho mesiaca (11. októbra).Chanting vyjadruje náš úmysel vzdať úctu starším a našim predkom a želanie večnej harmónie. 

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Umenia Taoist Tai ChiⓇ – cvičenie pre život https://www.taoisttaichi.org/sk/blog/umenia-taoist-tai-chi-cvicenie-pre-zivot/ Wed, 02 Oct 2024 02:45:04 +0000 https://www.taoisttaichi.org/blog/umenia-taoist-tai-chi-cvicenie-pre-zivot/

Cvičenie Taoist Tai Chi je dobré pre seniorov! Pomáha nám cítiť sa živí a rozširujúci sa v tele, mysli a duchu.

Prostredníctvom tejto praxe sa postupne prehlbuje spojenie s ľuďmi a činnosťami v živote, s pocitmi sily, činnosti, obnovy a radosti.

Pridajte sa teraz!

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Festival Wong Dai Sin https://www.taoisttaichi.org/sk/blog/festival-wong-dai-sin-3/ Tue, 24 Sep 2024 20:29:41 +0000 https://www.taoisttaichi.org/blog/festival-wong-dai-sin-3/

Účastníci Inštitútu taoizmu Fung Loy Kok  po celom svete chantujú na oslavu festivalu Wong Dai Sin. Bol to jednoduchý pastier, ktorý preukázal veľkú cnosť a hovorí sa, že dosiahol nesmrteľnosť praktizovaním taoistických umení. Jeho príbeh nám hovorí, že s dobrým srdcom sa každý môže kultivovať prostredníctvom taoistickej praxe. FLK má chrám špeciálne zasvätený Wong Dai Sin na Steeles Avenue v Toronte, ktorý môže navštíviť každý.

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