The Dragon's Head Blog
Európske centrum v Colchestri
Centrum navštívila 1. skupina Stanway Skautov
Vo štvrtok 11. júla sme v európskom centre v Colchestri privítali 1. skupinu skautov Stanway. Na skupinu prišlo asi 30 skautov s rodinami. Ukázali sme im základné cvičenie a niektoré pohyby zostavy. Viedli sme ich v chantovaní Bo Hui Jaan a hovorili sme o výhodách chantovania. Rozprávali sme o svätyni a o tom, ako sa o […]
Novoročný Retreat v Colchestri
Mnoho účastníkov sa zišlo, aby si užili januárový retreat, privítali rok 2024 a stanovili si zámery, ako sa v novom roku zlepšiť.
Novoročný Retreat v Colchestri
Mnoho účastníkov sa zišlo, aby si užili januárový retreat, privítali rok 2024 a stanovili si zámery, ako sa v novom roku zlepšiť. Počas piatich dní retreatu sme boli povzbudzovaní k práci na pocitoch a k zmene návykov. Bolo mnoho príležitostí spoločne pracovať na základných pohyboch a ďalších pohyboch Taoist Tai Chi™ a účastníci sa mohli […]
Harmónia a seba oprava
Účastníci využili príležitosť harmonicky spolupracovať a prehĺbiť svoje chápanie učenia majstra Moya, vytvoriť si nové návyky, ktoré im pomôžu zlepšiť ich duševné a fyzické zdravie. Počas piatich dní sa kládol dôraz na základné princípy a základy Taoist Tai Chi™ umení. Každý deň sa pracovalo na don-yu a účastníci sa mohli podeliť o pocity, ktoré z toho […]
Zastavte vozík a opýtajte sa na cestu
Pri príchode do centra bola atmosféra plná pokojnej čistej a sviežej energie ničím nerušenej, pohľad na záhradu bol potešením. Kuchyňa bola pripravená. Dobrovoľníci z centra boli zaneprázdnení starostlivosťou o náš domov v rámci príprav na príchod hosťujúcich členov. Počas júnových cvičení na základe sobotňajších rozhovorov s FLK sa uskutočnila transformácia mysle a tela. Zmeny nastali po […]
Skúmanie vnútorného pocitu pri spoločnom stretnutí
Vydali sme sa na sedemdňovú objaviteľskú cestu, na ktorej sme skúmali, ako zvnútra pracovať s pocitom. Boli sme povzbudení a upozornení, že si máme pohyb užívať a že nejde o vonkajšiu formu. Iba niekoľko málo pokynov podaných jemným spôsobom nám pomohlo opustiť formu a menej sa obávať. Pri don-yu sa pohyb stal omnoho pokojnejší. To […]
First European Retreat of the 50th Anniversary Year
Over a hundred participants came together for the International Retreat in Colchester, UK, the first such event in Europe in this year of celebrating 50 years since Master Moy Lin Shin began teaching us Taoist Tai ChiTM arts. Working from the spine, everyone took the time to engage the coiling, the expansion, and the contraction. […]
What are we doing now that’s different?
120 people from 8 countries gathered in Colchester for a 3-day programme. What are we doing now that’s different from what we did in beginners class? We’re still doing Brush Knee, Wave Hands as Clouds, Partition of Wild Horse’s Mane, Fair Lady Works Shuttles, and so on; but we’re not focused on the 108 moves. […]
Tinnitus relief – because it works
We welcomed a second group of people to the Centre in Colchester who are living with tinnitus, last Thursday. All came along, invited by their hearing therapist at Colchester General Hospital, a strong believer in the power of Taoist Tai Chi™ arts for improving health. We had an enjoyable morning introducing them to the first […]
Taoist training is about Change
It was a very relaxed October program in Colchester, where over 100 participants from 14 countries came together to play tai chi and become more familiar with the themes from this year’s CIT week in May. Taking our time to really be conscious and pay attention to what we were doing helped us make changes. […]
Tai Chi heatwave in Colchester, GB
There was a Tai Chi heatwave in the UK as over one-hundred-and-fifty participants gathered for the five-day International Programme in Colchester. The heat truly was a friend, as it softened muscles, tendons and ligaments, enabling everyone to work more deeply into their bodies through the danyu and toryu. The heat also worked to slow our brains, […]
Celebrating compassion with the Goon Yam Festival in Colchester
To coincide with the Goon Yam Festival being celebrated at our Temple in D’Arcy Street, Toronto, members from England, Scotland, and Denmark, gathered to mark the occasion at our shrine in Colchester, chanting the 10,000 Buddha’s Sutra and the Northern Dippers Sutra, and sharing tea, fruit and stories.
The quiet centre of the workshop – Colchester, GB
Days 3 and 4 reach that wonderful quietness when everyone has connected more with their centre, and is harmoniously engaging with their tai chi neighbours in the rich and varied life of the programme: Morning chanting …. Tai chi instruction and practise …. Lunch and clear away …. Tai chi instruction and practise, deeper, quieter […]
Tai Chi internals – Colchester, GB
At our Home in Colchester, GB, a hundred participants gather for a spring 5-day international programme. After breakfast and before the programme starts, a chance to practise chanting, with the 10,000 Buddha’s sutra. The tai chi instruction follows some simple themes to access the internals. Participants put the instructions into practice, with help and guidance, […]
Welcoming new Beginners at a Weekend in Colchester GB
At our European Centre in Colchester, 63 participants enjoyed a Beginner Weekend, supported by 27 volunteer helpers. Two days of working on finding balance, standing tall, and expansion and contraction.
International Workshop in Colchester
There’s a 3-day International programme running in Colchester. The second day started with chanting after breakfast and some tai chi. We’re working on using the spine to generate movement, finding the circles in those movements – looking for the feeling, rather than focusing on the 108 moves of our tai chi Set. And we’re working […]
Welcoming the Year of the Boar in Colchester
The first of this year’s European Chinese New Year banquets was held on Friday 25 January at our Home in Colchester. Cooking had started the day before; table setting was largely complete by lunchtime – mostly by volunteers who had arrived early for the 3-day weekend workshop, and partly by volunteers coming in to help […]
Refreshing our home in Colchester, GB
A small hardworking team gave the Colchester practice hall carpet a good clean, to get the centre ready for a new year’s programme of events. It’s fun working together, and good to refresh our home. –
Sending Food Bank parcels in Colchester, GB
All wrapped up in time for the festive period – Taoist Tai Chi Society members at the Centre in Colchester support the local food bank again this year, raising over 350 kg of food, lovingly boxed.
Coiling in Colchester
Participants from across the UK and Europe are dreaming of circles, after five days of coiling and ‘turning from the spine’ at the International programme in Colchester. The focus was very much on the *feeling* of the moves, as over one hundred people worked together to connect to the internals in their Taoist […]
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