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The Dragon's Head Blog

Happy Christmas activity

Happy Christmas activity

On Sunday 15 December 2019, the Netherlands Seniors’ Committee invited Belgian members and Dutch participants for an intensive, a delicious Christmas lunch and a fun(d)raising activity in Helmond. The Belgian members even rented a coach for this occassion because so many wanted to go. The fun(d)raising activity was ‘Bingo’, a typical seniors game with balls […]
A beautiful spirit of sharing to discover the Taoist Tai Chi. Un bel esprit de partage pour découvrir le Taoist Tai Chi.

A beautiful spirit of sharing to discover the Taoist Tai Chi. Un bel esprit de partage pour découvrir le Taoist Tai Chi.

The members  of the TTCS of Belgium gathered with enthusiasm for a Beginner Weekend. The instructors guided the participants to  discover the Tai Chi in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Enchanted by this beautiful moment of sharing and meetings, we are all ready to start again in 2020 …. 🙂   C’est avec enthousiasme  que les […]
A Doe Dag in Helmond as an appetizer

A Doe Dag in Helmond as an appetizer

On November 10th, members from Belgium travelled to Helmond (NL) for a Doe Dag – it’s s now a ritual for us to take care of the  Center once a year. A Continuing class was running while our great kitchen team was cooking simple but delicious Belgian recipes. So that during the lunch, we could hear here and there, « hmm, it’s super good », […]
Extraordinary Day Meets Ordinary Life in Brussels, Belgium

Extraordinary Day Meets Ordinary Life in Brussels, Belgium

To beautifully finish five months of introduction sessions in the Brussels parks in collaboration with the Ville de Bruxelles on September 30 we celebrated seniors on the occasion of International Day of Older Persons. Seniors in training or beginners of all ages brush knees through downtown Brussels and the Grand-Place. Passers-by, tourists, delivery men and newlyweds benefit from […]
Awareness Day in Brussels, Belgium

Awareness Day in Brussels, Belgium

On Sunday September 25th, we celebrated our Awareness Day in downtown Brussels, in front of La Bourse where, for three years now, we have been giving free introduction classes of Taoist Tai Chi™ arts every Sunday from May 1st  to September 30th. Thanks to favourable weather, there were a lot of passers-by and a few of […]
International Intensive in Brussels, Belgium

International Intensive in Brussels, Belgium

They all knew it would be a very special night.  So they came from all locations across Belgium and also from the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Hungary and Canada. In total 50 people attended the program, for Marsha Eberhardt, President of the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism was visiting Brussels to lead a very […]
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