The Dragon's Head Blog
Programmes internationaux
International Taoist Tai Chi™ Retreat in Kraków, Poland
At the beginning of May 2024 we came to Kraków for the first post-pandemic retreat in Poland to deepen our understanding of Master Moy’s teachings. A friendly environment and the harmonious cooperation between the staff of a rented place (school) and the members of the Taoist Tai Chi Society, translated into a wonderful atmosphere. Under […]
New Year Retreat in Colchester
Many participants gathered together to enjoy this January retreat, to welcome 2024, and to set their intentions for becoming better in the New Year.
New Year Retreat in Colchester
Many participants gathered together to enjoy this January retreat, to welcome 2024, and to set their intentions for becoming better in the New Year. Throughout the five days of the retreat we were encouraged to work on the feeling and to change habits. There were many opportunities to work together on foundation exercises and other […]
Harmony and Self-repair
Participants took the opportunity to work together harmoniously and deepen their understanding of the teachings of Master Moy, making new habits to help them improve their health, mental and physical. Emphasis throughout the five days was on underlying principles and foundations of Taoist Tai ChiTM Arts. Time was taken each day to work on the […]
Stop cart and ask directions
On arrival, the Centre atmosphere was full of a quiet energy; clean and fresh with nothing out of place; the garden was a joy. The kitchen was ready. The volunteers from the sessions had been busy caring for our home in preparation for the arrival of visiting members. Built on the foundation of the Saturday […]
Explorer le ressenti intérieur – en presentiel
Nous nous sommes plongés pendant sept jours dans un voyage à la découverte du travail de l’intérieur à partir des ressentis. Nous avons été encouragés à nous rappeler qu’il faut apprécier le mouvement et qu’il ne s’agit pas de la forme extérieure. Les quelques instructions données d’une manière bienveillante nous ont aidés à nous détacher […]
Se mouvoir en harmonie en Floride
Plus de 40 participants se sont réunis pendant le week-end du jour du Souvenir au Centre international de Dunedin, en Floride, pour la première retraite nationale de la Société de tai-chi taoïste des États-Unis depuis le début de la pandémie. Parmi eux se trouvaient la plupart des membres du conseil d’administration des États-Unis, des membres […]
International Retreat Czech Republic
Three hundred tai chi lovers from all over the world came to Brno, Czech Republic, for an International Taoist Retreat. They worked together on this gentle exercise to achieve inner harmony. Media covered the event on live TV. Na tři stovky milovníků tai chi z celého světa přijely do Brna na mezinárodní setkání taoistického tai […]
First European Retreat of the 50th Anniversary Year
Over a hundred participants came together for the International Retreat in Colchester, UK, the first such event in Europe in this year of celebrating 50 years since Master Moy Lin Shin began teaching us Taoist Tai ChiTM arts. Working from the spine, everyone took the time to engage the coiling, the expansion, and the contraction. […]
67 participants and volunteers work together International Taoist Retreat in the Netherlands
It was wonderful to discover how it feels to put our minds into our spines, there seems to be always more. Meanwhile, volunteers in the Centre helped to run everything smoothly, making sure there was food and all kinds of things that were needed. Adding to the full experience, we enjoyed some chanting in the morning and practiced lok hup in the evening. Now we have our ‘homework’, and we will be sure to come back for more opportunities to meet and practice together. We are very grateful that we can practice these internal arts to improve our health. “Today was a great moment for me. I have a very stiff back and balance problems due to polio […]
What are we doing now that’s different?
120 people from 8 countries gathered in Colchester for a 3-day programme. What are we doing now that’s different from what we did in beginners class? We’re still doing Brush Knee, Wave Hands as Clouds, Partition of Wild Horse’s Mane, Fair Lady Works Shuttles, and so on; but we’re not focused on the 108 moves. […]
The benefit of working together in harmony in our Northern European Center in Helmond
Helmond, November 23-25, 2019 “There was a nice and special atmosphere, it felt very quiet right from the beginning”, said a participant after the first day. Indeed, the atmosphere was very relaxed and helped us to focus and better integrate the instructions. We all worked intensively and with goodwill to experience the ground force, the […]
November Programs at the International Center Florida
The International Center Florida hosted 3 consecutive weeks of Taoist Tai Chi™ arts, gently flowing from one retreat into the next. Hsing-I, Continuing Instructor Training and Lok Hup programs brought nearly 450 participants together from around the globe. Fundamental to our experience was letting go to focus on feeling each simple but powerful movement. Sitting, standing, […]
Taoist Tai Chi™ Arts Workshop, 11-13 October 2019 Kraków, Poland
This was the first 3-day workshop held in Poland. There were 125 participants from 10 countries. The setting was a peaceful, low-rise housing neighborhood, during a classic, golden, Polish autumn, encouraging walking but instead we were all inside practising. Maybe this is the sincerity and dedication to Taoist Tai Chi™ Arts practice that the workshop […]
Taoist training is about Change
It was a very relaxed October program in Colchester, where over 100 participants from 14 countries came together to play tai chi and become more familiar with the themes from this year’s CIT week in May. Taking our time to really be conscious and pay attention to what we were doing helped us make changes. […]
Oregon Branch Weekend Program and Western Regional Meeting
The Oregon Branch hosted a Tai Chi program on September 21st and 22nd. The weekend started with a Friday evening dinner to welcome everyone. For the first time the Portland Center was too small for the workshop, a testament to the continuing growth of the Society. The 137 attendees represented states from Florida to Alaska […]
Reflections during the International Workshop in Helmond, September 11-15, 2019
Ida (26) and Isidora (27) from Denmark were attending their first workshop. They have both been practicing tai chi for less than a year. « There is a strong sense of openness and community at the centre and among the other participants at the workshop. – The practice works differently than in the regular classes at […]
Taoist Tai Chi Arts International Workshop in Kraków, 17-21 July 2019
We had the pleasure to host 179 participants from 9 countries of the world – including Europe, Canada and New Zealand. Below you will find few testimonials: « It was a workshop quite different from all the previous ones in which I attended … A lot was said about the flow of chi, twelve meridians, Chinese […]
International Workshop 2019 in Ballina, Co. Mayo, Ireland
In the first week of September, the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Ireland hosted a 5 day International Workshop on the banks of the River Moy in Ballina. There were133 participants from 9 countries, some who have been practicing Taoist Tai Chi for over 30 years and some for 7 weeks. Everyone benefitted from the […]
Coming together again as family: trust, sincerity and dedication
The international 5 day workshop organised by members of our Scandinavian societies and the Netherlands is now hosting 129 participants coming from 17 countries. New and familiar faces come together to deepen their knowledge and enjoy the legacy of what Master Moy left us. It is always a special opportunity to meet other participants outside […]
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