The Dragon's Head Blog
Traveling Abroad
"A gentle breeze brings relief from the afternoon heat. We move together, softly, in harmony, with the teaching of Master Moy.”
—Wayne Rudiger, Rome, September 2023
Deep, and still light
The ability to let go, that we train, extends to letting go of having – there, somewhere – a goal to achieve: in fact, you finally find out that the goal is the path itself, where we commit to keep walking, along with so many (and so much different) others and with his wise […]
My asthma with the practice of Taoist Tai Chi™ arts
I was very young when I started suffering from allergic asthma, particularly severe during spring. So, it is years that I need to check the Oxygen blood saturation (pO2) regularly, with an oxymeter: until recently, I have been finding it around 90/92 %, which doctors found acceptable. With the practice of Taoist Tai Chi™ arts […]
On November 7, the day of the planned 50th Anniversary celebrations, we gathered from all four branches in Italy for an Awareness Zoom. Once more aware of the power of Taoist Tai ChiTM arts, of not being alone, of sharing Master Moy’s wise teachings. It has been such an opportunity to be happy together, to share experiences, to […]
A happy constraint
I must say that, until recently, I was not constant in my individual practice: a few exercises and only occasionally, given that our club was there for practicing with the others, so …The lockdown made it impossible to practice in a group and therefore practicing alone was the only option. It was a happy constraint […]
a set-saver on the wall
I work in an Epidemiology Department so, from the very beginning, the lock-down found me in so called smart working, meaning working at home with a big load, many hours a day, seven days a week. Tense and tired, I started practicing foundations, every now and then during the day, just to stretch and slow […]
My Tai Chi – a little every day
The first time I practiced Tai Chi I overwhelmed my instructors with questions: why you do it like this, why you do it like that? It took some time for me to understand that perfection of and in the movement is not the goal. I have been patiently taught to imitate, listen, trust, make mistakes, […]
Every-day discovery
I have always known that Tai Chi works miracles on my health, but during this lockdown I have rediscovered its benefits in a more in-depth way, thanks to the perseverance in practising almost every day. After two months, I feel that my physical and mental health has enormously benefited from it! Initially, I could not […]
Straight to the goal!
While we are all trying to deepen our personal practice and staying home, we were touched by the inspiring testimony of the members from the group “Five Fingers” (a group that has been practicing Taoist Tai Chi for three years), in Livorno, […]
Italy, first intensive of 2020
In Florence last Saturday, after sharing the joy of practice in an intensive, the evening ended with a very Italian Tiramisù prepared by a member, to participate in the launch of the Society 50th anniversary! Best wishes to all of us, lucky heirs of Master Moy’s teachings, all around the world
International Awareness Day – Rome, Italy
On Saturday, October 19, 2019, Rome, hosted the 6th International Awareness Day of the Taoist Tai Chi Association of Italy. In the setting of the beautiful Piazza Cavour, over 60 participants and significant guests gave life to a joyful demo and ceremony. While exchanging greetings, not only members from all four Branches but also local […]
Taoist Tai Chi Awareness Day in Rome, Italy
On Saturday, October 13 we celebrated the 5th Awareness Day of TTCS Italy. About 50 members from the 4 branches gathered together in beautiful Piazza del Popolo, in Rome, under a warm bright sun, to celebrate and take the opportunity to share with others the many benefits that we receive from the practice of the internal […]
Celebrating a Quarter of a Century in Italy — Part II
Following the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the Associazione Taoist Tai Chi – Italia, last weekend an international workshop took place in Florence, with guests from many countries (Great Britain, Slovakia, Hungary, Holland, Spain) and from all branches in Italy. The weather was very hot, but we have been practicing in what used to […]
Celebrating a Quarter of a Century in Italy
Here we are in Florence celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Italy. We have spent a quarter of a century practicing, sharing, growing, overcoming problems and never missing having fun! We had a demo and a banquet in the evening followed by a weekend workshop with Carmen Capilla. Ciao a […]
Awareness Day in Italy
In October we celebrated Taoist Tai Chi Awareness Day in the beautiful Piazza del Popolo, in Rome. It was a glorious sunny day and we had the opportunity to meet many persons. We exchanged information and invited people to try the art, right there in the square. And also in the four cities where we have […]
International Seniors’ Day Celebrations in Italy
On Sunday October 1st we celebrated in almost all Italian branches International Seniors’ Day. We took Taoist Tai Chi™ arts to some retirement homes and hosted a wonderful silver age choir in the Florence club. Many thanks to the seniors who welcomed us, and who gave an enthusiastic try at playing at tai chi. They […]
Invitation to International Seniors’ Day Activities in Italy
If you happen to be in Italy during the celebrations for International Seniors’ Day, why don’t you come and share with us the events that we are organizing? In Livorno on October 1st a number of demos, open classes and a lion dance will take place in different locations (public elderly centers, gardens, etc.) together […]
International Workshop in Rome, Italy
In Rome spring welcomed 96 members from seven countries (Czech Republic, Great Britain, Hungary, USA, Switzerland, Ireland and Italy) for the international workshop held by a joyful Carmen Capilla from Madrid, Spain. We worked on the foundations and on different parts of the set. The focus was on experiencing Taoist Tai Chi™ as an internal […]
Saturday Nov 26: The Tiger’s Mouth in Italy
On Saturday November 26, 2016 “The Tiger’s Mouth” took place, an event that was held in our clubhouse in Florence and was attended by members from all Italian branches, non-members, doctors and health professionals. It was an important opportunity for all to share experiences and information. Gianluigi Occhipinti, rheumatologist, although not be present, made available […]
Awareness Day in Italy
On Saturday October 8th, for the third time we celebrated the national Awareness Day, in the beautiful Piazza del Popolo in Rome. Taoist Tai Chi™ arts, “internal arts” as we know, were shown in the middle of “external art”, with churches, fountains, sculptures, arches from the XVI century witnessing the event, together with Michelangelo, Bernini […]
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